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15 <br /> <br /> The Board of Co~issioners for the County of Cabarrus, North Carolina <br /> met in recessed regular session in the Multipurp0se Room at ~he Cabarrus <br /> CoUnty Governmental Center at 6:~0 p.m. on Friday, February 2, 2001~ fo~ s <br /> retreat and work session. <br /> <br /> Present - Chairman= A~ne L. Fennel <br /> Vice Chair~an= Robert W. Carruth <br /> Co~issioners: Robert M. Freeman <br /> Coy C. Privatte <br /> Richard D. Suggs <br /> <br /> Also present were Mr. Frank ' W. Clifton, ~r., County Manager; Mr. <br /> Fletcher ~.. Harteell, Jr., County Attorney; Mr. Blair D. Bennett, Deputy <br /> County Manager for Administration; Mr. John Day, Deputy County Manager for <br /> Operaticns~ Mr. Jonathan Marshall, Planning Services Director~ Mr. Mike <br /> DoWns, Development Services Diractor~ Ms. Pas Dubois, Assistant Finance <br /> DireUtor~ and Mrs. Frankie F. Bonds, Clerk to the Board. <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel called ~he meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Commissioner <br /> Suggs was not present for the beginn/ng of the meeting. <br /> <br /> Pro~ect Ovarv4aw Briefing - ~-9o FSC41~ and Hotel~Conv~ntion Center <br /> <br />Mr. Clifton gave an overview of the Fairground and Exposition Center to <br />. be located on Highway 49 and Old Airport Road. Phase I of the project will <br />include a multi-use events center, exhibit halls, Fair Midway area and <br />associated site development. The architccus ara currently doing the design <br />work with construction to be completed in time for the Fair in September <br />2002. Mr. Clifton discussed possible methods of financing, including the use <br />of County reserve funds ancot a lease purchase arrangement. The architects <br />will meat with the Board on February 15, 2001, at 6:30 p.m. to review the <br />proposed Master Plan. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dabble Boat, County Bxteneion Director, responded to questions <br /> concerning the possible expansion of the Fair to a 10-day event and potential <br /> uses of the facility. <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton gave a brief update on the statue of the hotel/convention <br /> center to be located off Speedway Boulevard. The project will consist of a <br /> publicly owned convention center adjacent to a 300-room hotel owned by John <br /> Q. Haeuuons Hotels. The estimated cost of the convent/on center is $15 <br /> million. Negotiations are continuing on ~he various agreements as outlined in <br /> the Memorandum of U~derstanding (MOU) among the County, the City o~ Concord, <br /> John Q. Ha~ons Hotels and the ToUriSm Authority. The ~U is to be completed <br /> by March 7, 2001. <br /> <br /> Commissioner Suggs arrived at 7:00 p.m. and was present for ~he <br /> remainder of ~ha meeting. <br /> <br /> There was discussion concerning the proposed convention center, <br /> including the method of financing, potential uses of the facility, the <br /> profitab..ility of ~ha project and concerns by other hotel/motel ow~e~s that <br /> ~he¥ ara collecting a tax to pay for a convention center to be located <br /> adjacent to a con, sting .hotel. <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton proposed ~hat ~he County maximize commercial .revenues for <br /> both the Expo project and ~he Ccnvantiun Center through advertising and <br /> corporate sponsorships. After disCUssion, =he Board by consensus authorized <br /> Mr. Clifton to pursue the services of a consulting £irm to do a marketing <br /> analysis concerning sponsorships and nant~ ng rights options for both <br /> faci~ities. <br /> <br /> $40 N~11ion COPS ~inansin~ ~or New sahool ~ro~acts - Public Haarin~ <br /> <br /> Mr. Steve ~ords11, Attorney with Smith Helms Mulliss a Moore, gays a <br /> brief overview Of th~ proposed $40 million financing for the construction o~ <br /> l:.brec new schools. · <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel ~xpressed disappointment ~t statements in a recent <br /> newspaper article concerning the school construction bids. He stated Mr. Joe <br /> Sides, Construction N~--ger for the three new schools, had been quoted as <br /> sayi~j, 'it is good to have extra money to play with.' For the record, <br /> Chairman Fennel stated that we are not going to have anybody 'playing around' <br /> with that .~oney and that it is to be used e~fectivaly and efficiently. <br /> <br /> <br />