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UPON MOTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Freeman and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed Mr. Jay Howard to Seat No. S and MS. <br />Terri L. H/ll to Seat No. 6 of the Cabarrus County Tourism Authority Board of <br />Directors. Their terms of appointment will end on December 30, 2005. <br /> <br />Cr4--4ual Just:Lee Partnership Pro~ram Adviso~ Board <br /> <br /> UPON MOTIO~ of Comm/ssionsr Freeman, seconded by Comm~ssioner Privstte <br />and ,~nnn~mousl¥ carried, the Board approved the following appointments to <br />Criminal J'ustice Partnership program Advisory Board: <br /> <br /> (1) District Court ~Udge Donne Johnson to fill the District Court Judge <br /> position previously held by Judge Randall Combs (Term ending April <br /> 2001). <br /> (2) Mr. Barrett Popl~ler, Assistant District Attorney, to serve as the <br /> District Attorney representative (Term ending April 30, 2002) . <br /> (3) Lt. Brad Riley as ~hs County Sheriff representative {Term ending April <br /> 30, 2003). <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel opened the meeting for Informal ~ublic Comments at 8:25 <br /> <br />the Boar~ of Directors for the North Kannapolis Christian Academy, addressed <br />the importance of a sound basic education for all children. He asked the <br />Board to consider extending .its annu&l public school funding of approximately <br />$980.00 for each c.hild beyond public schools to include all children in <br />Cabarrus County. Also, Mr. Sinvnerman discussed the various reasons that <br /> <br />closed that portion o~ the meeting. <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel stated he shared Mr. Simmer~an' s concern that the <br />County provides ADM funding for public school children but does not extend <br />funding to every education age child in Cabarrus county. He proposed that the <br />Board ask the County Attorney to research the issue of non-public school <br />funding. <br /> <br /> There was discussion regarding the issue of equal County funding for <br />each school age child in Cabarrus County, the importance of parental choice <br />and the reasons that persons choose to send their child to private schools. <br /> <br /> Co~missioner Privette and Vice Chairflmn Carrnth stated their support of <br />asking the County Attorney to research the legality of non-p~blic school <br />funding. Therefore, Chairman Faunal asked Mr. Hartsell to provide prelimlnary <br />Information concerning the issue at the Board' s upcoming work session. <br /> <br />REPORTS '- <br /> <br /> The £ollowing reports were included as a part of the Agenda= (1) Annual <br />Statement Reporting the Number of Secondary Road Miles Paved during the <br />Calendar Year; an~ (2) Restructuring Plan for the Cabarrus County Sheriff's <br />Department. <br /> <br />RECESS OP M~ETIN~ <br /> <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman <br />Fennel recessed the mse~ing at 8:40 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. on Friday, February <br />2, 2001, in the Multipurpose Room at the Governmental Center. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />