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AG 2001 02 19
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AG 2001 02 19
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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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13 <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Co~a~seioner Suggs and <br />Unanimously carried, the Board appointed Ms. Emily M. Behm to fill the <br />Education position on the Centra]~ns workforce Developn~nt Board. Ms. Behm <br />will complete an unexpir~d term end~n~ June 30, 2001. <br /> <br />Depar~ent Of Aging Adviso~'f Board <br /> <br /> The terms of appointments to the cabarrus County Department of Aging <br />Advisory Board ended on December 31, 2000 for the following members: Mr. John <br />Suther; Ms. Doris G. Haglerl ~r. Robert T.. Walll Ms. Goldia C. Cruse; and Mr. <br />William workman. All except Mr. Su~her had served two full terms or six <br /> <br /> Commissioner Privette made the following nominations for appointment to <br />~he Department of Aging Advisory Board= Mr. John Suth~r (reappointment); Ms. <br />Edith Walker;. Ms. E~ma Rogerst and MS. Marilu Peck. Cou~aissioner Suggs <br />nominated Me. Nadine Furr for appointment. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Chairman Feonel and <br />,-A-tmously oarried, Board reappointed Mr. John Suther to the Department of <br />Aging ~dvisory Board for a term of three years. Further, the Board appointed <br />Ms. Edith Walker, Ms. ~mma'Rogers, Ms. Marilu Peck and Ms. Nadine Furr to the <br />~visory Board for terms of ~hree years. ~tll te~ms of appointment will end <br />on December 31, 2003. <br /> <br />C~oarL-~s (2o~nt~ pl~3a~ nd ~on~ C--4qsion <br /> <br /> The terms Of appointment for Mr. Ed Hill (Township 3/4), Ms. Mar~ha <br />K/kef (Township 10/11), Mr. Steven Love (At-La,e) and Mr. Bill Babb <br />(Alter~ate) will end on Jar~uary 31, 2001. <br /> <br /> UPON HOTTON Of Chaii'amn Fennel, seconded by Vice Chairman Carruth and <br />unanimously oarrted, the Board deferred the appointment of the Township 3/4 <br />member on the Plaoning and Zoning Commission until February 19, 2001. Mr. <br />Hill, who had served six consecutive years, was appointed to the Board of <br />Equalization and Review earlier in the meeting. <br /> <br /> ~ON MOTION of Vice Chairman Carruth, seconded by Couunissioner Privette <br />and nnanimeusly carried, the Board appointed Ms. Miki Lingafelt to the <br />Township 10/11 position on the Plap_ning and Zoning Couunieeion. Her term of <br />appointment will end on January 31, 2004. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of C~ir~uan Fennel, seconded by Co~miesioner Privette and <br />unar~ously oarried, the Board appointed Mr. Marc Wilder to an 'at-large# <br />position on the Planning and Zoning Comm~ssion. Hie term of appointment will <br />end on January 31, 2004. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Couuuissioner Privette~ seconded by Vioe Chairman Carruth <br />and unanimously carried, the ~oard appointed Mr. Leonard M. (Lanny) Lancaster <br />as an -alternate- member to the P]n-n~ng and Zoning Conu~ssion. His three- <br />year tern OF appointment will end on Janua~ 31, 2004. <br /> <br />Tou~ri~ Authori~ Bo&rS of D~rectors <br /> <br /> The terms of appointment for the following Tourism Authority Board <br />me~bers ended on Deceng0er 30, 2000: County Manager l~raltk Clifton (Seat No. <br />4), Ms. ~ttie Richards (Seat NO. 5) and Mr. Thews Day, vault (Seat No. 6). <br />Both Ms. Richards and Mr. Dayvault have served raore than six consecutive <br />years as members of the Authority. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chalr~an Fennel, seconded by Conmlissioner Prtvette and <br />unanimously .carried, the Board deferred the appointment to Seat NO. 4 until <br />the February meeting. Mr. Clifton will continue =o serve in that position a= <br />this time. <br /> <br /> The Tourism Authority submitted the following three nominees for <br />appointmen= to Seat No. 5: Ms. Dottie Richards; Mr. Jay Boward~ and Mr. Polak <br />Patel. <br /> <br /> The Cabarrue Regional Chamber of Commerce submitted the fol!0wing three <br />nominees for appointment to Seat NO. 6: Mr. Thomas W. Ramseur; Mr. Thomas W. <br />Dayvault; and Ms. Terri L. Bill. <br /> <br /> <br />
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