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12 <br /> <br />delivery of an installment financing contract (the ~Contraot') to finance all <br />or a portion of the costs of constructing two new public middle schools and <br />one new public elementary school and acquirin~ curtain equipment related <br />thereto (collectively the '2001 Project'). <br /> The plan of financing for the 2001 Project involves the entry by =he <br />County into the Contract with a third party who will provide the County with <br />up to $40,000,000 pursuant to the teLnus of the Contract, which a~ount will be <br />applied to finance costs of the 2001 Project. The County, s obligations to <br />such third party supplying financing are authorized by North Carolina General <br />Statutes Section 160A-20 and will he secured by a lien upon or security <br />interest in all or some portion of the 2001 ~roJeot ~/ld in the real property <br />on which the 2001 Project will he located. <br /> The obligation of the County under the Contract will not he deemed to <br />be a pledge of the faith and credit of the County within the meaning of any <br />constitutional debt limitation and the Co~tract will not directly or <br />indirectly or contingently obligate the County to make any payments beyond <br />those appropriated in the sole discretion of the County for any fiscal year <br />in which such Contract is in effect. No deficiency Judgment may be rendered <br />against the County in any action for breach of such Contract and the =axing <br />power of the County is not and ~ay not be pledged directly or indirectly or <br />contingently to secure any n~neys due under such Contract. <br /> p~ASE T/~KE NOTICE ~T~tT TH~ BO~D WILL HObD A PUBLIC I~J~RING CONCERNING <br />THE PIJ~N OF FINANCIN~ AT 7:00 P.M. ON FRI. DAY, FNBRU~y 2, 2001, IN THE <br />MULTIPURPOSE ROOM IN THE CABARRUS COUNTY GOVERNMENTAL CENTER, CONCORD,. NORTH <br />C~OLI~, AT ~HICH ~d~ pERSON ~AY BE PLEA~D CONCERNING TH~ PITON OF FINANCING. <br />~ P~R$ON WISHING TO COM~ IN WRITING ON T~ PLAN OF FINANCING MAy DO SO <br />BY DELIVERING SUCH COMMENTS TO TH~ UNDBRSIGNED AT 65 C~I~RCH STREET SE, <br />CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA, 28026, WITHIN 5 DAYS FROM TH~ DATE OF PUBLICATION OF <br />THIS NOTICe. <br /> Blair D. Bennett <br /> Finance Director <br /> <br />Presentation o£ the C~barrus CoUnt~ Emergency O~erations Plan - ~t~ka Downs, <br /> <br /> ~. Mike Do~s, Development Se~ices Director, gave a brief ~e~ew of <br />the 9roposed C~s Co~ty Emargen~ ~erations Plan. ~e multi-hazard <br />PI~ identifies =he responsibility of each agen~ ~d brach of Co~ty <br />gove~ent d~ing an emergen~ situation tn the co~ty. ~so, the Plan <br />coor~tes all responding agencies to ~g~ local, State ~d Federal <br />reechoes to protect =he citizens o[ the co~ty durtn9 ~ emergency. Bach of <br />the local ~icipali=ies will be asked to si~ off on th~ plan. <br /> <br /> The Board will be asked to adopt the proposed Plan at its meeting on <br />Pebruary 19, 2001. <br /> <br />Board of Bc~uelisation and Review <br /> <br /> Vice Chairman Carruth resigned from the Board of Equalization and <br />Review effective December 11, 2000. <br /> <br /> NON ~OTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Privette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed Mr. Ed Hill to the Board of <br />Bqualization and Review to complete an unsuited term ending J~ne 30, 2002. <br />Mr. Hill will Complete six years of service on January 31, 2001 as a me~d0er <br />of the Planning and Boning Commission. <br /> <br />Piedmont Area Hental Health, Mental Reta=dation and ~ubstance Abuse Authorit~ <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman Carruth, seconded by Commissioner ~rivette <br />and unanimously carried, the Board appointed MS. Doris Y. Ro~ers to the <br />Piedmont Area Men,al Health, Mental Retardation and substance Abuse Authority <br />to fill the vacanc~ created by resi~nation of Ms. Tans Hartsell. MS. ~ogers' <br />term of appointment will end on June 30, 2002. <br /> <br />eentrelina Work£orce Development Board of Directors <br /> <br /> The Board received the written resignation by Dr. Harold Winkler, <br />Cabarrus County School Superintendent, from the Centralina Workforce <br />Development Board of Directors. Dr. Ninkler recoumended the appointment of <br />Ms. Emily Behm, Director of Norkforce Development Education for the County <br />Schools, to fill the vacant position. <br /> <br /> <br />