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AG 2001 02 19
Public Meetings
AG 2001 02 19
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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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11 <br /> <br />2001 Certificates, as the person executinG the final Official Statement may <br />appr~e, the ~e~on ~d deltve~ ~hereo~ ~o co. bi,ute concZus~ve <br />o~ such <br /> Section 6. Each o~ ~e C~t~n o~ 2he Board o~ C~[sstoners, 2he <br />C~y ~a~er ~d ~e Director of Fin~ce ara authorized to appr~e all <br />details of the fin~cin~ of =he 2001 Project, including, wi~ou~ <br />~e a~ adv~c~d ~der ~he Con~rac= ~d ~he aggregate principal a~= of <br />~he 2001 Certif~cates (w~ch ~hall no= exceed $40,000,~00), the ~uri=ies, <br /> <br />the 2001 Certificates) ~11 ~2 ~ceed 7.5% per ~um on a t~e <br />Cos= basie, the prepa~n= ~=~ ~d priceB (which shall no2 ~ce~d 103% <br />=he principal a~= ~in~ prepaid) ~d 2he ~de~i~ers. disc~= (~clus~ve <br />of ~y original issue disco~2) (which shall uo2 exceed 2.0% of the principal <br />a~t of the 2001 Certifies=es). ~e~2[on of the Contrac= ~ 2he ~i~ <br />uf ~he Board of C~ssioners or ~e Co~ty ~ger s~ll conclusively <br />evid~ce such appr~al of all su~ de=a~ls of said fitting. <br /> Sec=ion ~. As re~ired ~ Section 160A-20 of the North Carolina <br />general S~atu=es, a p~lic hearing s~ll be held by ~he Board of <br />Co~ssioners on F~a~ 2~ 2001 a= 7;00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as <br />prac=ic~le, in ~he Multip~o;e ~m in the C~a~s Co~2y ~e~en=al <br />~enter in Concord, North Ca~lina, conce~in~ ~he ~e~tion o~ ~e <br />the Deed o~ ~s~, ~e f~n~c~n~ of the 2001 P~Jec= ~d ~ other <br />~r~sactions conte~%ated ~herein ~d associated ~herew~h. ~e Clerk =o ~he <br />~ard of C~iss~oners ~S ~rec~ed to cause a notice of such p~lic hearing, <br />e~su~ally in ~= fo~ attached hereto as ~ibi2 A, ~o be p~ltshed once <br />in a ~al~fied newspaper of ~eneral circulation wi~in the Co~ty not less <br />t~n 10 ~ys prior ~o said p~lic heari~. <br /> Section 8. ~e ~a~ of 2he Board of Co~ssioners, ~he Cowry <br />~anager, the Director of Fin~ce and =he Co~ty At=o~ey are her~y <br />authorized ho t~e ~y and all su~ further ac~on, includ~g approval of <br />~[fica~ions =o ~he P~n~clng ~cumen~s, ~d 2o ~e~=e and deliver for <br />on b~alf of the Co~=y such other do~men~s and cer~fica=es (including, <br />w~hout li~tati~, a~ee~n=s w~h secur~=ies depositories, ~inancing <br />statements, appropriate =~ certif~ca~es ~d agreements ~ other docents <br />~d agree~n~s (~ncluding repur~ase agreem~ts} relating ~o 2he i~est~n~ <br />of =he proceeds from the exertion ~d del~ve~ of the Con=race} as =hey <br />deem necessa~ or adv~s~le 2o ca~ ou2 the in~en~ of 2his resolution and <br />effect the fin~cing pursuit =o ~he Con~ract and =he other Financing <br />~c~ents. ~e Cowry Clerk is her~ authorized ~o aff~ the seal of the <br />Co~ty 2o such doc~ents ~d ce~ificates as ~y be appropriate ~d to <br />to the same ~d 2o ~ecu~e and deliver the same as may be needed. In <br />addit~on, said officers are her~y authorized 2o cooperate w~th the <br />~de~iCers in preparin~ ~d filing such E~lings ~der state se~i=ies <br />"blue sky'~ laws (including ~ecial consen=s .to semite of process) as <br />~de~ters ~y ~d as =he ~ai~ of =he Board of C~sstoners, <br />2he Co~=y M~ager or =he D~r~c=or oE Fin~c~ s~ll d~t~ine. <br /> Section 9. ~e ~2~ coverts ~t, to ~e ~tent pe~tted ~ the <br />Coneti=ut~on and laws of ~e State of No~h Caroli~, it will ~ ~d <br />all acts ~d ~s to co~ly w~th the re~irements of ~e Inte~l Rev~ue <br />Code of 1986, ae amended (the' ~Code"), in order to assure that interest <br />on the 2001 Cert~ficates will not be inclu~le ~n the 9ross income of the <br />o~ers ghereof for pu~ses oE federal income t~ation, ~cept to the ~tent <br />fha= the Cowry obtains an opinion of bond co.se1 Co the m~fect that <br />nonco~li~ce ~uld not result in interest on =he ROOl Certificates bein~ <br />~nclud~le in the gross ~nc~e of the o~ers of the 2001 Ce~tficates for <br />pu~gsee of federal ~ncome t~at~on. <br /> Secti~ 10. ~s Resolution shall beco~ ef[ective imediately upon <br />~ts adoption. <br /> ~ereupon, upon ~t~on of C~ssioner Privette, second~ by ~ai~an <br />Fete1, the fore~oin~ resolution en=itled "~SOL~ION ~PRO~ INST~ <br />CO~ FI~CING ~ ~IOUS S~L PRO~S IN ~ ~ PR~CIP~ <br />~0~ ~ T0 $40,000,000 ~ ~ IS~ BY ~ ~US ~ ~LOP~ <br />CORPO~TION OF ~RTIFI~TES OF P~TICIPATION ~ ~, ~ORIZ~ <br /> <br />DIe. IN9 A ~LIC ~ BE ~ ~ PR0~D~ FOR ~T~N 0T~ ~'~ <br />~S" was a~pted ~ passed by the following <br /> A~S= C~i~ Fete1 and Co~ssioners Privet=e, Cat. th, Free~n <br /> <br /> ~ES: None <br /> ~IBIT A <br /> NOTICE OF P~LIC <br /> <br /> NOTIC~ IS ~E~By giVeN that the Board of County Commissioners (the <br />~BoardB) of the County of Cabarrus, North Carolina (the ~County'), will <br />conduct a public hearing on February 2, 2001 conce~-nlng the execution and <br /> <br /> <br />
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