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executed and delivered from time to time Certificates of Participation, <br />including the Ce~ctficatas of Participation (County of Cabarrua, North <br />Carolina Installment Financing Contract}, Series 2001 (the "2001 <br />Certificates"), the proceeds of which will be used to advance the moneys to <br />the County under the Contract; <br /> (4} a Preliminary Official Statement to be dated on or about February <br />13, 2001 (~he "Preliminary official Statement") which, as supplemented with <br />certain pricing and other permitted omitted information, is to be the <br />Official Statement to be dated on or about February 28, .2001 (~he 'official <br />Statement"), pursuant to which the 2001 Cer~ificates are to be offered and <br />sold to the public~ and <br /> (5) a. Contract of Purchase, including the exhibits attached thereto, <br />to be dated on or a~out February 28, 2001 (~ha #Purchase Contract") between <br />the Corporation and Morgan Kaegan & Company, Inc., on its own behalf and as <br />representative of ~he other underwriters named therein (collectively, the <br />"Underwriters"), pursuant to which the Underwriters agree to purchase the <br />S001 Certificates for sale to the public; <br /> WHEREAS, ~ha obligations of the County to make Installment Payments and <br />other payments pursuant to the Contract shall constitute limited obligations <br />of the County payable solely from currently budgeted appropriations of the <br />County and shall not constitute a pledge of the faith and credit of the <br />County within the meaning of any constitutional debt limitation; <br /> WHEREAS, no deficiency Judgment may be rendered against the County in <br />say action for breach of a contractual obligation ~ndar the Contract, and the <br />taxing power of the County ia not and ~uay not be pledged in any way directly <br />or indirectly or contingently to secure any moneys due under the Contract; <br />and <br /> WHEP~, the Boar~ of Co~nissioners desires to approve the Financing <br />Documents and to authorize other actions in connection therewith; <br /> NOW, ~REFORE, BE IT RESOL%~) by the Board of Cou~iasioners, as <br />follows: <br /> Section 1. ~-ll actions taken by or on behalf of the County to date to <br />effectuate the proposed financing, including the selection of the <br />Underwriters and Smith Helms Mulliss & Moore, LLP, as special counsel, are <br />hereby ratified, approved and authorized pursuant to and in accordance with <br />the transactions contemplated by the Financing Documents. <br /> Section 2. The acquisition, constr~ction and equ/pping of the 2001 <br />Project, the financing thereof and the granting of security interests <br />therein, all aa provided in the Financing Documents referenced in this <br />Resolution, are hereby ratified and approved. <br /> Section 3. Each of the Contract, the Purchase Contract and the Deed of <br />Trust is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted to this meeting, <br />and each of the Chairman of the Board of co~issioners or the County Manager <br />is hereby authorized to execute and deliver each of those documents in the <br />name and on Behalf of the County, with such changes, insertions Or omissions <br />as the persons executing such documents may approve, including But not <br />limited to changes, inserti~ns or omissions related to obtaining a policy of <br />municipal bond insurance with respect to the 2001 Certificates, their <br />execution and delivery thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of such <br />appr~val. The County Clerk is hereby authorized to affix the seal of the <br />County to each of said docu~ents as may be appropriate and to attest to the <br /> <br /> S~ction 4. The Trust Indenture (including the form of 2001 <br />Certificate} ia hereby approved in substantially the form submitted to this <br />meeting, with such cb~ulgas, insertions or omissions as appropriate, including <br />But not limited to changes, insertions or omissions related to obtaining a <br />policy of municipal bond insurance with respect to the 2001 Certificates, as <br />the representative(s) of the Cotunty executing the Contract may approve, the <br />execution and delivecy of the Contract to constitute conclusive evidence of <br />.such approval. The Board of Com~ssioners hereby approves the sale of the <br />2001 Certificates By the Corporation in an aggregate principal a~unt not in <br />excess of the am&~nt of meneys to be advance~ to the County pursuant to the <br />contract. <br /> Section 5. Each of the Prelimi~u~ry Official Statement and the Official <br />Statement in substantially the form of the Preliminary Official Statement <br />submitted to this meeting, is hereby approved in substan~ially such form, <br />with such changes, insertions and omissions as appropriate, including but not <br />limited to changes, insertions or omissions related to obtainin~ a policy of <br />municipal Bond insurance with respect to the 2001 Certificates, and the use <br />thereof by the Underwriters in co~nection with the public offering and sale <br />of the 2001 Certificates is hereby authorized. Bach of the Chairman of the <br />Board of Commissioners or the County Manager is hereby authorized to execute <br />and deliver in the name and on behalf of the County the final Official <br />Statement ~n substantially such form, with such changes, insertions and <br />omissions, including but not limited to changes, insertions or omissions <br />related to obtaining a policy of municipal bond insurance with respect to thc <br /> <br /> <br />