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At 7.'48 p.m., Chairman Fennel opened the public hearing for the CDBG <br />Scattered Site Housing aehabilitation Program an~ asked if anyone wished to <br />speak either for or against the pro,ram. The Notice of the Public Hearing was <br />published in THE INDEPENDENT TRIBUN~ on January 14 a~ 18, 2001. There was no <br />one present to address the Board, and Chairman Fennel. closed the public <br />hearing. <br /> <br /> NO other action wan required at this time. <br /> <br />C-kd=rue Count~ Child ~,rot:ectioa. Team ~uzl R~or~ - ~e La~ai~a, <br />· rotec~ .TO~ <br /> <br /> Ms. ~e LeVi=is, ~i~erson of =he C~a~s Co~y ~ild <br />~ro=ec=~on Team, presented ~he Te~'s ~1 Repo~ as re,ired ~ Nor~ <br />Carol~ O~eral SCa=ute 7B-1406. She revised the p~ose of the <br />~d ou21~ed its ac=ivi2Xes d~ing the year. For the ~ =~t ended <br />30, 2000, there were 981 c~ld ~me ~d ne~lec2 repor2s i~olv~ng 1,9~8 <br />c~l~en. Of =~s~, 25~ reports ~re s~s=~2iated involving 516 chilean. <br /> <br /> The Board received the report as information ~nd took no action. <br />~esolution Rel&tin~ to ~he ~40 ~tt~lion COPS Financing ~or ~e Cone~c~ion of <br /> <br /> Fr. Bennett reviewed the proposed installment contract financing and <br />related documents for the three new school projects. The County will finance <br />$40 million with approximately $7 ~illion funded directly by the County. <br /> <br /> There was brief discussion concern/ng the construction of the three new <br />schools, including past actions to keep construction costs down, the work of <br />the Citizens Oversight Committee and efforts by the Chairman to put 'Kids <br />First" in Caberrus County. <br /> <br /> Rezoluticn No. 2001-01 <br /> <br />~SOLUTION A~PROVING INSTALLMENT CONTPJ%CT FINANCING FOR VARIOUS <br />SCHOOL PR00~CTS IN AN ~GR~GATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT UP TO <br />$40,000,000 AND '£~ ISSUANCE BY THE CABA~US COUNTY D~VELOPM~NT <br />CORPORATION OF CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION RELATED <br />AUTHORI~,ING THE ~XECUTION AND DELIVERY O~ RELATED DOCUMENTS IN <br />CONNECTION THEREWITH, DIRECTIN~ A PUBLIC HEARING BE g~.m AND <br />PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN OTHER P, BLATED MATTERS <br /> <br /> WH~R~AS~ the Board of Comndssionerz desires to approve a proposed plan <br />of financin~ ~n an aggregate principal amount of up to $40,000,000, which <br />plan would involve the entry by the County ~nto an installment financing <br />contract with the Cabarruz County Development Corporation (the WCorporat~on') <br />pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 160A-20, aB amended, the proceeds <br />of which would b~ used to pay all or a portion of the costs of constructing <br />two new public middle schools and one new public elementary school and <br />acquiring certain equipment related' thereto (collectively the '2001 <br />Project",), and under said installment financing uontract., the County would <br />secure the repayment by the County of the m~ne!~s advanced pursuant to such <br />contract by granting a security interest in and lien on all or a portion of <br />the 2001 Project; <br /> WHEREAS, as part of said plan of f~n,ncing, the Corporation will issue <br />Certificates of Farticip&tion in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding <br />$40,000,000 to finance the advancement of moneys to the County pursuant to <br />the ins=aliment financing contract between the County an~ the Corporation; <br /> kH~R~AS, there have been sub~tted to this meeting draft forms of the <br />following documents (the "Financ~ng Documents") with respect to the financing <br />for the 2001 ~roJect~ <br /> (1) an Installment Financing Contract, proposed to be dated as of <br />March 1, 2001 (the "Contract"), between the County and the Corporation as <br />eounterparty, pursuant to which the Corporation will advance moneys to the <br />County for the costs of .the 2001 ~roJect and the County agrees to make <br />periodic installment payments (the "Installment Payments") to repay the <br />moneys so advanced, with interest; <br /> (2) a Deed of Trust ~nd Security Agreement {the 'Deed of Trust*), <br />proposed to he dated as of March 1, 2001, among the County as Grantor, the <br />Corporation as Beneficiary and the trustee named therein, by which the County <br />would secure its obligations to the Cor~oration under the Contract; <br /> (3} an I~denture of Trust, proposed to be dated as of March 1, 2001 <br />(the "Trust Indenture"), between the Corporation and the trustee named <br />therein, as trustee (the "Trustee"}, pursuant to which there are to be <br /> <br /> <br />