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DRAFT <br /> <br />received from the State and adopted ~hs f011owing budget amendment <br />appropriating the ~rant funds. <br /> <br />BUDGET REVISION/AMENDMENT P~EOUEST <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT OF Cooperative Extension Service <br />AMOUNT= $ 10,000.00 <br />TYPE OF ADJUSTMENT: SUpplemental Re~uest <br />~I~POSR OP ~Q~ST: Orant ~ney a~rde~ for 4-H School Age Care Rated License <br /> <br /> Present Approved Revised <br />Account No. Budget Increase Decrease Budget <br />00165435 $ 0.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 <br />4-H Bchoo1 Age Care Gr&llt Revenue <br />00195435-9301 $ 9j772.50 $ 9,772.50 <br />Office Supplies <br />00195435-9610 $ 227.$0 $ 227.50 <br />Travel <br /> <br />Authorization to ~rcbaIS A~rOw~tely 50 Ssts o~ Bleachers <br />Rss~Onl,:l. ble Bi.err ~astercr&£t Ran.ovation S~'stmez, Xno. <br /> <br /> ~e foll~ing bids we~ received on Deco,er S, 2000 for <br />of bleachers. The Invi~a~ion to Bid (Re-Bid} ~s p~lished on <br />2000. <br /> <br /> company <br />Dent-Clayton <br />Cunningham & Associates <br />Mastercraft Renovations <br />Basnight & ~sociates <br />Peggs Recreation <br />Miracle Recreation <br /> E~uipment Co. <br />Psggs Recreation <br /> <br />· -lternate Bids for A-row, <br /> <br /> Company <br />Dant-Clay~on <br />Cunningham& ~sociates <br />Mastercraft ~enovations <br />Basnight & Associates <br />Peggs Recreation <br /> <br />Bid Tabulation <br /> <br />the purchase <br />November 29, <br /> <br />Bid Size Barrier Aisle <br />136,59A.00 5-row, 21 ft. Pence Yes <br />94,36A.71 5-row~ 15 ft. Pence Yes <br />70,5S0.00 5-row, lS ft. Fence Yes <br />101,750.00 5-row, 15 ft. Bars ? <br />59,A12.00 5-row, 15 ft. Pence No <br /> <br /> 69;433.50 S-row, 15 ft. Fence NO <br /> 67,647.00 S-row, 15 ft. Bars NO <br /> <br />21 feet Bleachers: <br /> <br />Bi__d Size Barrier Aisle <br />$ 67,446.00 4-row, 21 ~t. None Yes <br />$ 101,717.S5 4-row, 21 ft. Pence Yes <br />$ 105,300.00 A-row, 21 ~t. Pence Yss <br />$ 84,500.00 4-row, 21 ft. None No <br />$ S4,423.00 A-row, 21 ft. None No <br /> <br /> Mr. Steve Little, Parks and Recreation Director, reported that the 50 <br />sets of bleachers would be used at four project sites (W. W. Flow~ Park, <br />Rocky River School, Harrizhurg School an~ Winecoff School}. Further, he <br />stated the low bidder did not follow State guidelines, as its proposed <br />bleachers did not provide for aisle coverage. <br /> <br /> ~OM MOT/ON of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Privstts and <br />unanimously 'carried, the Board authorized the purchase of approximately 50 <br />sets of five-row, 1S-fast aluminum bleachers w/th galvanized steel frame from <br />the lowest responsible bidder, Maatsrcraft Renovation Systems, Inc. The low <br />bid did not include the required aisle coverage. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />CDBG Scattered 5its Kousin~ Rehabilitation P~o~r~m - P~lis Bearing - 6:30 <br /> <br /> Ms. 'Kelly Sifford, Senior Planner, presented an overview of the <br />Scattered Site Community Development Block ~rent (CDB~} program. The home <br />rehabilitation program for low-income families will be available for all <br />guatified persons in the ~,-{ncorporated area of Cabarrus County and in ~hs <br />Towns of Mt. Pleasant and Harrisburg. The pro,ram ~ran~ of $A00,000.00 will <br />be receivsd over a period of t~ree years, and no local umtch will he <br />required. <br /> <br /> <br />