<br />
<br /> The Board of Comm/ssioners for the county of Cabarrue, North Carolina
<br />met in recessed r~gular session in the Mttltipurpose Room aC the Cabarrus
<br />County Governmental Canter at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday,. February 3, 2001, for
<br />~he continuation of a retreat and work session.
<br />
<br /> Present - Chairman: Arne L. Fennel
<br /> Vice Chairman: Robert W. Ca,ruth
<br /> Commissioners: Rober~ M. Freeman
<br /> CO~ C. Privette
<br /> P~cha~ D. Suggs
<br />
<br /> Also present were Mr. Prank W. Clifton, Jr.~ County Manager; Mr.
<br />.Fletcher L. Hartsell, Jr., Cotu~y Attorney; Mr. Blair D. Bennett, Deputy
<br />County Manager for Administration; Mr. John Day, Deputy County Manager for
<br />Operations; Mr. Don ~,--4ngs, 1~-- Resources Director; Mr. Mike Downs,
<br />Development Services Director; Ms. Kelly Sills,d, Sen/or Planner; and Mrs.
<br />Frankie F. Bonds, Clerk to the Board.
<br />
<br /> Chairman Fennel called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Commissioner
<br />Suggs was not present for the beginning of the meeting.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Bennett reviewed the actual five-~ear t~ history for IS~S-~000 anc~
<br />the ~lve-ye~r prm:jected budget ~i~ures for 2001-200~. He pointed out the iow
<br />collection rate o~ approximately 95.21 percent for ~001 was affected b~ the
<br />Pillo~cex bankruptcy. Mr. Bennett also discussed the sales tax
<br />and projection for 20~1-2C0S. The projected annual sales tan for
<br />$20,218, ~S9.00,
<br />
<br />Comm/ssioner Suggs arrived at 9:20 &.m. and was present for the
<br />remainder of the meeting.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Bennekt presented a financial status report including a five-year
<br />projection for 2001-2006 based on identified needs and established
<br />priorities. This forecast is to he updated annually as part of the budget
<br />process. During b/s presentation, Mr. Bennett reviewed the Couuty, s current
<br />Capital In~rovement Program, including major County projects for F£scal Years
<br />2002 through 200S. Major projects end funding proposed for FY 2002 included
<br />the County Expo Center ($7 million), County Parks ($1.5 million), First Union
<br />B~ildtng Renovations ($500,000.00), Courthouse Renovations ($500,000.00) and
<br />~S Station Highway 49 ($500,000.00). He explained the various mthods cf
<br />funding County projects, including the 'pay-as you-go' plan, Certificates of
<br />Par~icipation (COPS), Bonds and leases under $10 million. Mr. Bennett
<br />reviewed an anticipated schedule of payments for incentive ~rants with
<br />payments for many of =he five-year grants to begin in FY 2002. The total
<br />payment for incentive grant payments is estimated at $5,766,623.00 for FY
<br />2002 with e majority of the incentive grants ~o he completed in FY 2006.
<br />Other issues reviewe~ by Mr. Bennett included a summary of future capital
<br />school projects and projected ADM funding, which was based on a three percent
<br />increase annually and an ~-~al student increase o~ 700 students. Further, he
<br />reported there will be an estimated fund balance for ~une 30, 2001 of
<br />$40,026,'759.00 with a~ estimated ~2o,031,'759.00 available to appropriate.
<br />However, in FY 200~, expenditures are e~pected to exceed revenues by over $18
<br />million.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Don Cummings, Human Resources Director, reported thc cost of
<br />employee health insurance coverage is e~pected to increase by 20 to
<br />percent for FY 2002. The County currently pays $1~8.00 per month par full
<br />time employee for the basic insurance plan.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Clifton reported =he two main issues that will have an impact on
<br />the FY 2002 budget are increases in County Medicaid costa and employee health
<br />insurance coverage. Other issues that will i~act the budget include the
<br />following: (1) State budget deficit and potential shifts in S=ate fending for
<br />such areas as Cooperative Extension, Public Health, Mental Health, e=c.; (2)
<br />Co~munity college expansions; {3) New debt for school cons=ruction; (4)
<br />Expanded recreation funding; (5) Ad~it£onal pay period during the FY 2002
<br />resulting in an additional $1.25 million (including benefits); and (6)
<br />Potential road construction projects.
<br />
<br />Mr. John 'Day, Deputy County Manager for Operations, gave a brief
<br />overview of the Personnel Management Program that was approved by the Board
<br />in 1994. He stated a Compensation Study is p]~-~d for FY 2002 ~hat will
<br />compare all Conn~y Job salary ranges (including Co~missioners and Manager)
<br />
<br />
<br />