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18 <br /> <br />plan for the future. Also, she addressed the issue of housing affordability, <br />stating the price of. homes would go up as the cost of public facilities would <br />be passed' on to new homebuyers. Ms. Brown d~stributed copies of an <br />~Executive Sununary on the EcononuLc Impacts cf Residential Construction in <br />Cabarrus Count~ conducted for REBIC by Dr. John Connaughton, <br />Professor with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She stated the <br />report showed ~hat the revenue generated by the construction and on-going <br />occupancy of single fa~/ly and multi family homes in Cubarrus <br />outweighed the cost of public services the County must provide. <br /> <br /> Mr. Me~field discussed the Steering Committee's review of the UDO and <br />t~e APF requirements. He also listed issues that the Steering com~dttse will <br />be considering 'in the future, including affordable housing, use of open <br /> <br /> There was lengthy discussion regarding the APF requirements,' including <br />~he issue of legality, ~he County's efforts in planning for future needs and <br />~he development process. The Board also discussed other options for growth <br />management such aa lowering density to match land to the services that are <br />available or delaying zoning for development until services (e.g., water, <br /> <br /> In addition to =he request ~ eliminate the APF requirements, .Ms. Brown <br />stated the followihg issues should he resolved prior to adoption of the DDO: <br />(1) Article 5.15 - Use Cf a security system in lieu of an on-site manager~ <br />(S) Article $.2S.3 - Downsoning of property in the proposed Agricultural <br />Diatrict~ (3} Article 6.1 - Approval process and time limits for the <br />administrator to process a plan~ (4} Article 6.3 - Definition of a m/nor <br />subdivision~ and (S) Article 10.1.5 - Elimination or changes to the <br />connectivity ratio to allow greater flexibility in subdivision design. <br /> <br /> There was discussion regarding the items listed by Ms. Brown, the need <br />for a partnership between =he County and the developmmnt con, unity and the <br />continued refinement of the UDO by the Steering Co~mittee and the cities of <br />Concord and ~--~apolia. During discussion, Chairman Fennel proposed the <br />following ch,anges tc the ~DO= Decrease or slim/nets the connectivity ratio <br />and eliminate mandatory sidewalks for any area of the county. <br /> <br /> The Board took no action concerning the proposed UDO and proposed <br />changes. <br /> <br /> At 11:0S p.m., Chairman Fennel recessed the meeting until 9:00 a.m. on <br />Saturday, February 3, 200~, in the MultipurpoBe ~oc~ at Che ~overnmental <br />Center. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />