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Sect, 11,1.1.1 made non-conformihg~o~td~°i~--~~nk~eti=~sUbject to an amortization <br /> provision <br /> <br />~c~ 11.1.Z1.6 _ made non-conforming outdoor storage ofjun~k, etc.-subJe~t~pppmo~i~pflon <br />~' ~ provision <br /> <br />Sect. 11.2 Add a new subsection to ciari~ that signage for multi-family dwellings (and <br /> single-family attached dwellings) are subject to the sign regulations of Table <br /> 12.14, regardless of what zoning district the development is located within. <br />Sect. remove reference to Floor Area Ratio (FAR) as it was deleted in A~. 4 <br /> <br />~ 1~,~.2~ _ ~ addedclarification in the CDdistr!ct standards that projects consisting of less <br />~_~ --- -~.~ ~ ~.;:~th~n~ ~tra~tSandtractscreated by <br />AAIcle <br />A~icle 12 amend C-2 d~stnct sign regulations to: permit polemounted s;gns 20 tall/6 <br />~ sq.fl + additional sizebased on building size for combined development <br />' ~- ~ns,~ermit only monU~n~ ~ign~ 6'-tall13~ sq fl for:i~dividUal bu;inesses <br />-:. r- ~ihti~a combined developmen¢~R6~m~t~pPlemOunted signs J5 .~11164 sq. fl. <br />/ . /. L~ ~:.~ 2/~ ~ fo~?in~uaYstand al0h*e~b-~ihEs~- 7 <br />Table~2.1-1 recommend max. wall sig~are=of ~ sq. fl. be deleted <br />:. -: recommend max. wall sign areaof32Lsq;-ff~bedeleted <br /> <br />Sect. 12.1.3 diminated the provision related to the alteration of a sign face as follows: "the <br /> physical alteration of a sign face or suppoAing structure shall be considered <br /> the same as construction of a new sign which shall require a permit and <br /> conformiW to all the dimensional requimmen~ of this Ordinance, however, <br /> repainting of sign face shall be considered maintenance or repair and shall <br /> not require a permit" (Note: Concord and Kannapolis only, Coun~ re~ined <br /> )rior draft langauge) <br /> <br />Page 13 of 18 <br /> <br /> <br />