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Sect. 12.3 amend to prohibit Outdoor Advertising Signs (billboards) as permitted or <br /> conditional use in all zoning districts <br /> Article t 3 <br />Article 13 eliminated the povision that nonconforming mobile homes on individual lots <br /> may be replaced by double-wide mobile homes provide it occurs within 6- <br /> months of the removal. <br />Sect. add "depth" to the following, "Any existing lot of record which does not <br /> conform with the lot area, , or width requirements..." <br />Sect. 13.t .2.t .3 add "depth" to the following, "Dimensional requirements other than those <br /> applying to lot area, , or width shall..." <br />Sect. 13.1.4.t clarified that structural repairs can be made to nonconforming buildings by <br /> replacing the last sentence with the following: "repairs to existing <br /> Nonconforming Buildings or Structures that do not include an expansion or <br /> addition shall not require a Certificate of Nonconformity Adjustment." <br /> <br />~t.,13~4; ~ i added the ManufaCtured Home Park ImprovementJAmortization provisions as <br />i ~eCtid" (!3i4)a~d md~d ~qditem~t~f~rit~placement of homes in <br />: ~ i~ ~Xi~tihg Parks (3.1~8) to the:new Section 13.4~ <br /> <br />Sect. t3.1.6.3 1st bullet, Recommend changing "Office of the Cabarrus County Zoning <br /> Administrator" to "office of the Administrator" <br /> Article t4 <br />Table t4-t added C-2 district under "Tier 2" <br />Sect. t4.1.3.1 amend applicability section. APFO will apply to the following: conditional use <br /> ~ermits, conditional use rezonings, minor site plans, prelimina~ major <br /> subdivisions. APFO will not apply to a straight rezoning (Concord agree <br /> except that CUP should be removed) <br /> <br />Page 14 of 18 <br /> <br /> <br />