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DRAFT <br /> <br /> The Board of Co~m~ssioners for the county of Cabarrue m~t in Fegular <br />session in the Commissioners' Meeting Room at the Cabarrus County <br />Govern.mental Center in Concord, North Carolina on Monday, January 22, 2001, <br />at 6:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> Present - Chairn~'. Arne L. Fennel <br /> Vice Chairman: Robert W. Carruth <br /> <br /> Coy C. Privette <br /> Pi=hard D. Suggs <br /> <br />to the Board. <br /> <br /> Chairman Pennel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> Girl Scout Cadette Troop 2088 of the Porest H~ll United Methodist <br />Church cooducted the Flag Ceremony. Scouts participating in the ceremony <br />were ~li=abeth Bar, et=, Kelley Cunningham, Kayla Garcia, Christina Mc~dams, <br />Patricia Nickols, Shannon Parer=e, Elizabeth Price, .Kris=eh Rowlett, Lily <br />Salloum and Jesel!rn Williams. <br /> <br />APPROVAL OR COP2ECTiON OP ~/i'~r~ES <br /> <br /> ~PON MOTION o£ Co~m/ssioner Privet=e, seconded by Ccmm~ssioner Sug~s <br />and unanimously carried, the Boa~ approved the minutes of December 18, 2000 <br />as written. <br /> <br /> WON ~OTION of Chairman Fennel, eacon~e~ by Co~missioner Freeman and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the ~Jenda with =he a~dition of the <br />f. ollowin~ two items under old Business: (1) Repor~ on the 2000 Local <br /> <br />concernin~ =he Hotel/Convention Center Project. <br /> <br />Smith who re=ired on December 27, 2000 from the Office of Development <br /> <br /> 0~' behalf of the Board]' Vice chairman carruth presented a plaque to <br />S~ith in appr~cia=ion for his se~ic~ ~o C~ar~s ~=y ~ its c~tizens. <br /> <br />a~reciati~ for h~s ~k. <br /> <br /> Sherif~ Ro~e~ C~y r~c~z~ Captain Ergo Baggarly who wX11 retire <br />fr~ =he C~ar~s =o~ty Sheri~f'B Dep~tm~C on J~ua~ ~1, 2001. Captain <br />Baggarly beg~ ~s career with ~ s~riff'e ~part~= on April 1, <br /> <br /> Sheriff ~berc C~y rec~ize~ ~ie~ Deputy J~es a. Griggs who w~ll <br /> <br /> ~ be~lf of the Boar~, V~ce ~ai~ Ca--th preB~t~d ~la~es of <br />a~preciation to Captain Bag~arly ~ ~ie~ Deputy Gri~gs for ~eir <br /> <br />Captain Bagg~rly ~d ~ef Deputy Grigg~ ~ their retirement ~d t~ed =hem <br />fo= their se~ice. <br /> <br /> <br />