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3. Item 6, pagelS: we changed this section to state that a client could apply for <br /> Medicaid or Food Stamps irregardless of their being eligible to apply for <br /> Work First due to Benefit Diversion restrictions. <br /> d) IX. Emergency Assistance: <br /> 1. Item 5, page 19: we added a statement that age and kinship definition is the <br /> same as it is in Work First. <br /> 2. Item 6, page 19: we added a section that families must meet the same <br /> citizenship and alien status requirements as for Work First. <br /> e) XI. Services to non-custodial parents of Work First children, page 21: we added <br /> the section that services will be provided to those "up to 200°.A of the federal <br /> poverty level." <br /> f) XIV. Funding Requirements, Sec. C, page 21: as a standard county, we deleted <br /> that section, and added the statement that we plan to remain a standard coUnty. <br />3) The Center for Health Care Strategies is offering up to $25,000.00 in Consumer <br /> Action Seed Grants: The purposes of this grant are twofold: 1) it would strengthen <br /> the capacity of consumers and family members to navigate publicly-financed <br /> managed care systems, and 2) it would establish a formal role for consumers and their <br /> families in designing, implementing, and monitoring publicly-financed managed care <br /> programs. We are requesting BOC approval to apply for this grant. <br /> <br />Thanks <br /> <br />CC: Jim Cook <br /> Social Services Board <br /> <br /> Department of Social Services <br />1303 South Cannon Blvd. Kannopolis, NC 28083 (704) 920-1400 <br /> <br /> <br />