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the UDO Steering Committee an~ the municipalities finalize all changes to the <br />UDO prior to the Board voting cn the proposed ordinance. The Board took no <br />action concerning Commissioner Privette's proposal. <br /> <br /> Mr. Marshall and Ms. Kelly Sifford, senior Planner, reviewed the items <br />listed on the 'UDO Master List of Recommended Changes (After Sept. 15, 2000)" <br />and responded to questions by the Board shout specific issues on the list. <br />This list included recommended changes for all versions of ~he UDO along with <br />recommended changes for the F,-~apolis, Concord and Cabarrus County versions. <br />Also, the list highlighted the key items and recommended changes to be <br />discussed by the Steering Committee. Issues d/scussed by the Board included <br />the role of the Zoning A~nistrator, sldewalks, neigh~orhood meetings, <br />density of the Agriculture (Ag) District, home occupations, cond/tional use <br />rezcning, si~n regulations, location of churches, coonectivity ratio, etc. <br /> <br /> ~PON MDTIO~ of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Chairman Fennel and <br />unanimously carried, the Board deferred action on the proposed Unified <br />Development Ordinance until the n~x~ meeting on March 19, 2001, with <br />recommendations from the Steering Committee --~ the Town of Harrisburg at <br />that time. <br /> <br />· mendmen~ to Noise Ordinance Re~ulat~n~ Fixewo=kl Displays - Public Neax~n~ ~ <br /> <br /> At 8=2~ P.M., ~ai~n Fete1 opened =he p~llc hearing on ~e proposed <br />revision to the C~ar~8 Co~ty Noise Ordin~e (~ticle II, ~apter 30 of the <br />Code of Ordin~ces) to re, late the time of ~y ~at fireworks displays are <br />held. <br /> <br /> ~e Notice of the ~lic Hearin~ was p~lishea in 'f~ <br />~IB~ ~d ~ ~ OBSER~R (C~ar~s Neig~ors) on F~a~ 8, 2001. <br /> <br /> There was no present =o ad,ess the Board, and ~ai~ F~el closad <br />the p~lic hearing. <br /> <br /> Chai~ ~e~el ~de a motion, seconded ~ Vice Chai~ Car~=h, to <br />adopt the revised Noise Ord~n~ce to include a provisi~ to prohibit the <br />display og fir~rks after 9:00 ~.m. on S~day ~hrough ~ursday. ~d after <br />11300 p.m. on Friday ~d Saturday, with an ~ception for ~ew Year's ~e, when <br />fireworks ~y be displayed until 12:~S a.m. on New Year's Day. <br /> <br /> Mr. Joe Schlatter, reporter with ~ ~EP~ ~IB~, ~est~onad <br />the dlsplay of fire~rks on the Fourth of July. <br /> <br /> ~ON ~ ~TION of ~ai~an Fe~el, seconded by Co~issioner Prtvet~e <br />~d ~anl~asly carried, ~e Board agreed =o amend =he Noise. Ordinance <br />prohibit the display of fire~rks after 9:00 p.m. on S~y t~ou~h Thursday <br />~d agter 11:00 p.m. on Friday ~ Sa=ur~y, with ~ exception for New Year's <br />~e, wh~ fire~rks ~y be displayed ~til 12:4~ a.m. on New Ye~'s Day and <br />for ~ excep=!o~ to pe~ f~re~rks ~o be ~splayed ~=il 11:00 p.m. on the <br />· o~h of ~ly. '~e revised Noise Ordinance (~t~=le ii, ~apter 30 of the <br />Code of O~nan=~s) as adopted by =he Board is as follows: <br /> <br /> Ordinate No. 2001-01 <br /> <br />BE IT O~Ai~ ~t ~ticle II; ~apter 30 of the C~ar~s Cowry North <br />Carolina Code of 0rd~--~ces is a~ded to reed as follows: <br /> <br />~TI~E II. NOISE <br />Sec. 30-26. Penalty for v~olatton of <br />~y person violating t~ pr~sions of this ~ti=le shall ~ ~llty of a <br />misdeme~or' ~, upon conviction, shall be p~ished in accordanc~ <br />section 1-?. <br />(Ord. of 6-~82, ~ 23 <br /> <br />Sec. 30-27. ~umeration of prohibited ac~s. <br />(a) S~Ject to the provisions of =his article, the creation of <br />u~easo~le loud, disturbin~ ~d ~eoessa~ noise of such ~arac=er as <br />~uld be a ~triment to p~lic health, co~or~,' safety, welfare and <br />prosperity of the residents of the cowry is prohibited. <br /> <br /> <br />