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Resources for those who meet eligibility requirements for Work First will be given <br />first priority. Expenditure reports will be monitored monthly against the Work First <br />mandatory population, and the need assessed regularly to ensure that adequate <br />funding for this population is preserved. A copy of the Services Contract is attached <br />at the end of the Plan. <br /> <br />XI. Services for Non-Custodial Parents of Work First Recipient Children <br /> <br />As funds and staffing ability permit, Cabarrus County will provide services to non- <br />custodial parents of Work First children up to 200% of the federal poverty level. We <br />have recently been awarded funding through the North Carolina Employment and <br />Training Grant Program (NCETGP) to provide these services to non-custodial <br />parents. This is a restarting of our highly successful Jobs for Dads Program, which <br />received several state and national awards during the mid 1990's. Through this <br />program, we plan to provide essentially the same services that we would provide to a <br />Work First client. This includes social work services, employment services, short- <br />term participation expenses, and short-term transportation when necessary. Non- <br />custodial parents to be served will be identified through the Work First caseloads as <br />well as Child Support and the court system. We will use resources through the <br />NCETGPfirst, before utilizing any War!: F;.rst E!cck Graf2 federal TANF funds. <br /> <br />XII. Child Welfare Services <br /> <br />We are presently in the process of dealing with this situation. Last August, we had <br />several staff from the Family Services and Child Welfare divisions attend the <br />Collaboration Institute in Durham. Through that, we have used the interest generated, <br />to begin developing an agency collaboration committee to address the working <br />relationships between the two divisions. Presently, we know of children who are <br />mutual to both divisions, through worker sharing of information. <br /> <br />Success for Families At Risk Initiative <br /> <br />The Success Committee in Cabarms County is presently actively meeting to address <br />the needs of those families at Risk of long-term welfare dependency for a variety of <br />reasons. This committee began meeting in December of 1999, and has met <br />consistently each month in which there were cases that required staffing. As well as <br />several staff from the department, the committee is comprised of representatives from <br />United Family Services, Social Security Administration, Employment Security <br />Commission, Vocational Rehabilitation, Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare, and the <br />Cooperative Christian Ministry. <br /> <br />Funding Requirements <br /> <br />During the FY 2001-03, the department plans to fund most employment services <br />activities through Maintenance of Effort funds. This will include administrative <br />costs for Employment Services and WFFA eligibility staff, and all employment <br /> <br /> 21 <br /> <br /> <br />