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The ESC Workers will be responsible on a d~ily basis to participate in <br />the following activities: <br /> <br />· Educating employers about Work First, WOW, Non-Custodial <br /> Parents, 200% and WtW. <br />· Researching the local labor market to identify employment trends <br /> and job opportunities. <br />· The development, fostering, and monitoring of relationships with <br /> employers inclurting making promotional visits. When visit/rig <br /> employers, workers will dress in appropriate business attire t <br /> prese'ht a professional image. <br />· ExpI~ining and promoting OJT and Grant Diversion .to participants <br /> · and employers. <br />· Negotiating and writing OJT and Grant Diversion contracts. <br />· Promoting the philosophy of Work First, stressing and enforcing <br /> the req,~irement to accept any referral or employment opportunity <br /> for which the ESC worker believes the client qu~lhqes. <br /> <br />On an ongoing basis the ESC workers will: <br /> <br />· Participate in Lifesl~lls classes and new client orientations. Focus <br /> will be placed on employer expectation~ ~md successful work <br /> practices. <br />· Verify employment and send a conf~mation to the DSS workers in <br /> writing. <br />· Schedule transportation as needed to enable client's to 'interview <br /> and participate in dob 8earclx. <br /> <br /> <br />