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Page 2 <br /> <br />One other item related to the language of the IDI Grant Agreement deserves consideration. <br />Section 1 of the Agreement (p. 2) indicates that the grant period of five years shall begin within <br />12 months of the completion of the' project and shall be competed by January 1, 2006. <br />Southeastern .will likely complete the project by February 200_1'and is therefore starting the grant <br />in 2001. The grant period will thus be 2001-2005. For the last year of the grant, the last group of <br />required reporting documents and ~roperty tax receipts for the IDI grant will be submitted during <br />calendar year 2005. Per the language of the Agreement (p. 3) the last grant paYment from the <br />local government Would therefore occur by April 15, 2006. I want to ensure'that even though the <br />payment of the grant to Southeastern may be aft6r January 1, 2006, that this final paYment is in <br />no way jeopardized due to the January 1, 2006 qompletion date mentioned in the Agreement. <br />Should you determine that the January 1, 2006 date should be extended to April 15, 2006 to <br />address this concern, please include this in the'amendment. · <br /> <br />In addition, Section 1 of the IDI agreement references EXhibit B in the third paragraph; howe'Cer, <br />it should be.referring to Exhibit A. You may want to amend the agreement to reflect this <br />correction. <br /> <br />I trust that I have provided all of the information you will need to facilitate this amendment. If <br />you have any questions or concerns, please call me at (330) 833-2884. Thank you for your <br />assistance and for our expansion in Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />Dean Jollay <br />Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer <br /> <br />~opy to' <br /> <br />Enclosure <br /> <br />Mr. Mauride Ewing, Cabarms Economic Development (letter only) <br />Mr. Fletcher Hartsell,'Hartsell Hartsell Shelley & White, P.A. <br />'Ms. Meegan Lally Spicer, Ernst & young, LLP <br />Mr. John Patterson, Cabarms County Tax A .d:ministrator's Office (letter ofily) <br /> <br /> <br />