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029562 <br /> <br /> 10/12/1999 <br />CASK'S COUR~Y lC <br /> " $"799.00 <br /> <br />OT~ i~1 A Real Estate <br /> Excise Tax <br /> <br />Tax $799. O0 <br /> <br /> o0 2685 277 <br /> <br /> :,kDA F. HC.,~ ..... <br />.{."I;1STER OF <br />u,,B,:hRUo CO.. '...-. <br /> <br />T"x Lot No .......... !..-...9..-**?.?.,.,.! ............................................................... Parcel Identifier No ........................................................................... <br /> <br />Verified by ........................................................................ County on the ................ day of ........................................................ , ............ <br /> <br />2%.1% .... Michigan Packaging Cu,%many c/o Mr. Dean Jollay <br /> ~r recormng m ~.~1~i~1i~GF~B5W~85~;~T~Ti~t~.~$Ir~F~i~.~;~I~i.;.~i:~l~6~8~ ............................... <br /> <br /> Thio instrument was prepared by ....H.~...S..'.....I~,....V~...{...P.:..A,?,....~.~.,.~..O- ,.~?,,~...A..,~..,.-.La~f.....(~..~ f,..~,.~!~,~. ......... <br /> Brief description for the Index [ Pha_r~ Mill Road {ER 1158) '. ] <br /> <br /> NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED <br /> <br />TI{IS DEED made thio .1...2...~... ...... day of ............. ~9~ ........................ i ........ 1~.9.~...~ hy and between <br /> <br /> GRANTOR <br /> <br />YOUNG CHARITABLE REMAINDER <br />UNITRUST, <br />Sally L. Young and Esther P. <br />Young, Trustees <br /> <br /> GRANTEE <br /> <br />MICHIGAN PACKAGING COMPANY, <br />a DelawareCorporation <br /> <br />The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, st~ccessors, and assigns, and <br />shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter a,s required by context. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH. that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby <br />acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, eell and convey unto the Grante~ in fee simple, all that <br /> <br />certain lot or parcel of land ettuated in ~ .......................................................... , ....N.~..~...(..1..) ............ Township, <br /> <br /> ................................................. County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: <br /> <br /> SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO FOR A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY <br /> BEING CONVEYED HEREIN <br /> <br /> <br />