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There was no one else present to address the Board, and Chairman Fennel <br />olosed the public hearing. <br /> <br />No action was required by the Board. <br /> <br />C~BG Scattered Site Rousin~ Rehabilitation P=o~ram -Public Hearinq <br /> <br /> MS. Kelly Sifford, Senior Fl~-~er, presented an overview of the <br />Scattered Site Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. She <br />reported that funds for =he hems rehabilitation program for low-income <br />persons could he used in ~he uni~cozporated areas of Cabarrus County and in <br />the Towns of Mt. Pleasant and Harrisburg. Also, Ms. Sifford indicated that <br />she would make contaot with the newly incorporated Town of Midland concerning <br />the program. <br /> <br /> At 8:38 p.m., Chairman Fennel opened the public hearing for the <br />Scattered Site C~BG Program a~d asked if anyone wished to address the Board <br />regarding the program.. The Notice Of the Public Hearing was published in THE <br />CHARLO~ OBS~V~R (Cabarrus Neigh~ors) on February 8 and 11, 2001. <br /> <br /> There was no one present to address the Board, and Chairman Fennel closed <br />the public hearing. <br /> <br />No action was required by the Board. <br /> <br />Select,on of Co~m~nit~ Develo~nt ~ro~ram~nietrator <br /> <br /> MS. Sifford recommended the selection of Stark and Associates at a cost <br />of $40,000.00 to administer the CDBG Scattered Site Rehabilitation Program. <br />Other proposals for program administration were as follows: Centralina <br />Council of Governments - $75,000.00; Benchmark - $60,000.00.. <br /> <br /> WON HOTION of Comm/ssio~er Suggs, seconded by Vice Chairman Carruch <br />and unanimously carried, the Board approved Stark and Associates for the <br />administration of the CDBG Scattered Site Rehabilitation Program at a not-to- <br />exceed price of $40,000.00. <br /> <br />Ca~le Television Rate Review Findings and Franchise Review - Sandra <br />Montgomery, Centralina Council of Governments <br /> <br /> Mr. Jo~ ~ay, Deputy Co~ty M~ager for Opera~ions, presented ~he c~le <br />Television ~a=e ~eview F~ndings conceding the Basic Tier Rate and E~i~men~ <br />and Installation Rates char~ed ~ T~me Wa~er Cabl~ as prepared by Ms. S~dra <br />Mon=gome~ of the Centralina Co~cil of ~ve~ents. MS. Mon=~ome~ was ill <br />and coula no= be presen~ for the meeting. ~. Day reported that Ms. <br />Montgome~ ~ad fo~d tha~ both the Basic Tier Rate and the E~ipmemt ~d <br />Installa=io~ Rates were acceptable ~der re.ired Federal Co~i=ations <br />Co~ission ~idel~nes. He asked the Board to approve the Basic Tier Rate of <br />$6.67 per ~nth per s~scr~ber, ~ increase of 60 cents per ~nth, for the <br />year 2001 ~d to appr~e ~he E~iDment ~d Installation ~tes as sho~ in the <br />Findings Report for the year 2001. <br /> <br /> There was discussion re~arding, the increases for both the Sasic Tier <br />Rate and the Equipment and Installation Rates, Justification for the rate <br />increases, compliance with the Federal Communications Commission guidelines, <br />the Board's Jurisdiotion in dealing with cable ~elevision issues and the <br />current Cable Television Franchise with Time Warner. <br /> <br /> ~;PON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Suggs <br />with Commissioners ~rtvette, Suggs and Freeman vo~ing for and Chairman Fennel <br />and Vice Chairman Carruth voting against, the Board moved to take no action <br />concerning the increases of ~he Basle Tier Rate and the Equipment and <br />Installation Rates by Time Warner. <br /> <br />Road Petition - Add/tion of Roads in ~he St. Andrews Place Subdivision to the <br /> <br />Secondary Road Maintenance System <br /> <br /> commissioner Suggs aske~ to be excused from voting in the issue <br />concerning the addition of roads to the State road system. He had submitted <br />the petition requesting the road additions. <br /> <br /> ~PON MOTIO~ of Chairn%%n Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Privette with <br />Chai~nan Fennel, Vice Chairman Carruth and Commissioners Privette a~d Freeman <br />voting for, the Board agreed for Commissioner Suggs to abstain from voting in <br />the issue conoerming the addition of roads to the State road system. <br /> <br /> <br />