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,. ', 2685 mi. 282 sxa: sz r "a" <br /> <br /> Lying and Being in Number One (t) Township of Cabarrus County, North Carolina in <br /> the Southeastern comer of the intersection of Mulberry Road (SR 1159) and Pharr Mill <br /> Road (SR 1158), adjoining the property of Mallard Creek Polymers, Inc. Speedway <br /> Partners, Inc. and Young Charitable Remainder Unitrust, and Being moro fully described <br /> as follows: <br /> <br />BEGINNING at an existing p.k. nail in the centerlino of the intersection of Mulbeny <br />Road and Pharr Mill Road, an old comer, and the old Southwestern comer of Mallard <br />Creek Polymers, Inc. (Book 1436, Page 316) and runs thence with the eenlerline of <br />Mulberry Road, and with Mallard Creek Polymers South 75-28-34 East 256.92 feet to an <br />existing p.k, nail, an old comer; thence continuing with the old line, and with the line of <br />Speedway Partners, Inc.(Deed Book 696, Page 138) South 75-30-54 East 445.67 feet to <br />an iron stake, an old.corner, and corner of another tract of Speedway Partners; thence <br />with the line of Speedway Partners South 23-51-31 West 327.70 feet to an iron pipe, rear <br />comer of Speedway Partners in the line of Young Charitable Remainder Unitrust (Book <br />2664, Page 36); thence with the line of Young North 75-30-01 West 675.98 feet (passing <br />an iron pipe in line at 653:g0 feet) to a set p.k. nail in Pharr Mill Road, an olfl comer of <br />Young; thence generally with Pharr Mill Road .North 13-34-42 East 65.20 feet to a p.k. <br />nail in Pharc Mill Road; thence continuing generally with Pharr Mill Road North 20-37- <br />47 East 259.62 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 5.139 acres, more or less, as <br />surveyed, and platted by Marion L. Sandlin, Jr., P.L.S., for Concord .Engineering & <br />Surveying, Inc., dated September 16, 1999; Subject to the Rights of Way for Pharr Mill <br />Road and Mulberry Road. <br /> <br />This conveyance is made TOGETHER WITH all the grax/tors right, iitle and interest, if <br />any, in and to all the property located between the Northern boundaries of tho above <br />described property and the centerline of Mulberry Road. <br /> <br /> <br />