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The Ferguson Group has extensive experience with water resource issues, particularly flood <br />control, harbors, and environmental restoration. The Ferguson Group helped King County, <br />WA, secure nearly $8 mi.lliqn For seven separate habitat restoration and flood control projects. <br />This is over and above the amount provided in the President's budget request for other water <br />projects of interest to King County. On behalf of a local flood control agency, The Ferguson <br />Group secured authorization for the Corps to reimbm~e the agency for project costs. This <br />allowed the local agency to construct the project in less time at a lower cost and avoid the <br />economic impact of the federal flood insurance program. <br /> <br />The Fergnson Group has helped expedite improvements to harbors in Oceanside, Redondo <br />Beach, and Santa Monica, California. We also helped secure funds over several fiscal years <br />for an innovative sand bypass system in Oceanside that reduced the need for traditional <br />dredging and replenished sand below the harbor. <br /> <br />In Gridley, California, The Ferguson Group helped secure $116 million from the U.S. <br />Department of Agriculture to construct new wastewater treatment facilities. The Ferguson <br />Group also ensured that the Department was directed to fund the wastewater facilities for <br />public health, as well as economic purposes. This was particularly important since existing <br />conditions in Butte County are extremely hazardous because of the high incidence of <br />Hepatitis A. <br /> <br />In addition, The Ferguson Group has worked with several county sanitation districts to secure <br />tens of millions of dollars in federal funds to help pay for the cost of waste water and water <br />system improvements. For example, The Fergnson Group helped the.Allegheny County, <br />Pennsylvania, sanitation district to secure $5 million as a down payment on a $120 million <br />sanitary sewer system improvement project. The County of Sacramento has received over $6 <br />million from EPA to conduct water quality testing and develop a watershed stakeholder <br />progran that will ensure the proper focus on pollutants in the Sacramento River watershed. <br />This program has already resulted in significant cost-savings in revised control strategies <br />based on more accurate information about priority pollutants in the watershed. <br /> <br />We are also in weekly contact with the policymakers that seek to build a consensus on a <br />national water reuse and urban water infrastructure policy. The Ferguson Group has worked <br />extensively on the Clean Water and Water Resource Development Acts, as well as Superfund, <br />Clean Air, solid waste disposal, and other environmental issues of interest to large urban <br />counties. <br /> <br /> <br />