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52 <br /> <br />TY~E OF ADJUSTMENT: Transfer Between Departments/Funds <br />PII~POSB OF ~QUEST: To transfer the Wireless 911 budget from the General Fund <br />to the Special Revenue Fund based on The Department of State Treasurer <br />Mammrandum %927. <br /> <br /> Account NO. Approved Budget <br />40062750-6678 $ 0.00 <br /> Wireless Telephone Subscriber <br />40062750-6701 $ 0.00 <br /> <br />40092750-944S $ 0.00 <br /> Purchased Services - Wireless <br /> <br /> Increase Decrease Revised Budget <br />$140,000.00 ' $140,000.00 <br /> <br />$ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 <br />$150,000.00 $150,000.00 <br /> <br />~K~rd of Bid (~3,241{Neal) to Canteen vending Services for Elderly ltutr~tion <br /> <br /> Bids were solicited from five vendors for the Elderly Nutrition Meals; <br />however, only one bid was received (Canteen Vending Services - $2.241 per <br />meal) on February 27, 2001. The ~In%itation to Bid for Food Services <br />Contract Lu~ch Plus Club" was published in ~ II, DEPeNDENT T~IBII~'~ on Januar~ <br />10, 2001. <br /> <br /> U~ON MOTION of Chair~a~ Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Prlvette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board accepted ~he single bid received from Canteen <br />Vending Services for 'the Elderly .Nutrition Meals ($2.241 per meal) and <br />author/zed the CoUnty Manager to execute the service con~ract on behalf of <br />Caharrus CoUnty. <br /> <br />Road Petition - Addition of Rllen~ood Road to '..he' Sbat~ Road Ma~n=enanc~ <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chai~nan Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Privette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board by resolution approved the addition of 0.15 <br />mile of Ellenwood Road (ab .1461) tn the State road system for maintenance. <br />The road was relocated at the request of the North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation to provide a safe intersection. <br /> <br />Resolution A~provin~ the Selection of Bond Counsel for Proposed Exempt <br />Facility Revenue Bonds to be Issued h~ the C~arrus Count~ Industrial <br />Facilities and Pollution Control Pinancin~ Au~hori=~ (Co~in~ Inco~orabed <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel announced ~hat the Board' of Commissioners of Cabarrus <br />CoUnty, North Carolina had been requested by corning Incorporated (the <br />~Company") to approve the law firm of Chapman and Cutler to serve as bond <br />counsel in connec~ion with the proposed issuance by The Cabarrus County <br />Industrial Facilities a~d Pollution Control Financing Authority of its exempt <br />facility revenue bonds for the purpose of financing the cost of sewage and <br />solid waste disposal facilities to be located in Cabarrus County and used in <br />connection with the Company, s manufacturing complex bein~ constructed' near <br />the City of Concord. <br /> <br /> Co~missioner Privette then introduced Resolution NO.'2001-0~, a copy of <br />which was d~stributed to each Co~duisoioner and the title of which was read as <br />follows: <br /> RESOLUTION A~PEOVING THE SELECTION OF BOND COUNSEL <br /> FOR P~OFOSED EXEMPT FACILITY P~EV~UEBONDS ~BE <br /> ISSLFED BY T~ C2~BAR~US COUNTY INDUSTRIJtL FACILITIES ' <br /> AND POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING AUTHORITY <br /> <br /> Co~issioner Chairman Fennel moved the passage of Resolution No. 2001- <br />07, seconded by Commissioner Privette, and Resolution No. 2001-07 was passed <br />by ~he following vote= <br /> <br />Ayes: Chairma~ Fennel and Commissioners Privette, Csrrnth, Freeman and Suggs. <br />Nays~ None. <br /> P~SOLUTION NO. 2001-07 <br /> <br />~SOLUTION APPROVING %~TE SELECTION OF BOND COUNSEL <br />FOR PROPOSED FJ~EMPT FACILI~ ~ BONDS TO BE <br />ISSIIED BY T~ C~A~US COUN~ INDUS~IAL FACILITIES <br />~ND POLL~TION CONT~0L FINANCING AUTHORITY. <br /> <br /> <br />