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WFt~REAS, The Cabarrus County Industrial Facilities and Pollution <br />Control Financing Authority (the 'Authority") ia authorized by Chapter 159C, <br />General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended (the ~Act'), to select and <br />retain, subject to approval of the Local Government Commission, the bond <br />attorneys to be associated with the issuance of any bonds, and to pay for <br />services rendered by bond attorneys out of the proceeds of such issue with <br />regard to which the services were performed; and <br /> WHERFJ%9, Corning Incorporated, a corporation organized uhder the laws <br />of the State of New York (the 'Company"), has entered into negotiations with <br />the Authority seeking its assistance in the financing of a ~proJect" within <br />the meaning of Section 159C-3(11) Of the Act, such project to be located <br />within ~e boundaries of Cabarrus County, North Carolina (the ~County"}, <br />through the issuance of exempt facility revenue bonds of the Authority in the <br />aggregate principal amount of approximately $65,000,000 (the 'Transaction"); <br />and <br /> W~P. EAS, the Company has requested that the law firm of Chapman and <br />Cutler (the "Firm") serve as bond counsel for the proposed Transaction; and <br /> W~EP. EAS, the Firm ia on the Local ~overnment Commission's list of <br />approved bond counsel; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Firm has not previously served aa bond counsel for either <br />the Authority or the County, and it is necessary for the Authority and the <br />County to approve such Firm as bond counsel prior to the preparation of or <br />execution of any documents in connection with the Transaction; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, B~ IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of <br />Cabarrus County, North Carolina, as follows: <br /> (1) The proposed Transaction consists of facilities for the disposal of <br />sewage and solid wastes (the ~Project") at the manufacturing complex of the <br />Company being constructed in Cabarrus County, North Carolina near the City of <br />Concord. <br /> (2) The Company has represented that it will request the Authority to <br />issue exempt facilities revenue bonds in mn amount sufficient to finance <br />costs of the Project, currently estimated to be approximately $65,000,000. <br /> {3) This Board of Commissioners does hereby find and determine that the <br />law firm of Chapman and Cutler is qualified to serve as bond counsel for the <br />Authority, in that: <br /> (a) The Firm has extensive experience serving as bond counsel and <br /> capabilities in each of the following areas: North Carolina municipal <br /> law (including, in particular, Chapter 159C of the General Statutes of <br /> North Carolina, the Industrial and Pollution Control Facilities <br /> Financing Act); municipal finance and municipal securities law; <br /> corporate finance and corporate securities law; and tax law; <br /> (b) The Firm has represented to the Authority that it is prepared <br /> to render an independent unqualified approving opinion as to she <br /> validity of the bonds and as to the exemption of interest on the bonds <br /> from federal income tax; <br /> (c) The Firm does not have a conflict of interest in serving as <br /> bond counsel; the Firm has represented to the Authority that it will <br /> not represent the Company in the Transaction, is not general counsel to <br /> the Company and is not currently representing the Company in connection <br /> with any other matters~ the Firm is not regular counsel for either the <br /> Authority or the County; and <br /> (d) The Firm has advised the Authority and the' Company that its <br /> legal fees in connection with the Transaction will be based upon the <br /> amount of time expended, calculated at the Firm's normal hourly rates <br /> (plus reimbursement for customary expenses) for the contemplated <br /> Transaction. <br /> (4) The Board of Commissioners hereby concludes that it is in the best <br />interest of the Authority that the Firm serve as bond coumsel for the <br />Transaction and approves the selection of the ~irm to act in such capacity. <br /> (S) The Clerk is hereby directed to file a copy of this resolution with <br />the Secretary of Authority and with the Division of State and Local <br />~overnment Finance for the State of North Carolina. <br /> (6) This resolution shall take effect immediately upon ~ts passage. <br /> Passed this 26~ day of March, 2001. <br /> <br /> /s/ Az'ne L. Fennel <br />Attest: Chairman <br />/s/ Frankie F. Bonds <br />Clerk <br /> <br />ITEMS P.E~OVED PROM 'r~ CONSENT AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION <br /> <br />Award of Bid ($164,?98) to Lake Rlactric for Electrical Renovations <br />(Generator) at Govsz~mental Center <br /> <br /> <br />