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SPECIFIC DUTIES INCLUDE: <br /> <br />· Completing a 15-hour tr:~;-;-g course established by thc State LOng Te,m Care <br /> Ombudsmnn within 3 months fi~m the date of appointment. <br />· Attending at least 10 hours of in-service training per year ( q~terly business meetings <br /> and nn~n! tmln~ng). <br />· Responding to refen'alS from the Ombud-~m~ stnff, <br />· Receiving and investigating complaints from residents, fnw~y members, and staffand <br /> documentlug complaint i~formation. <br />· Completing. authorization fo~',',s before disclosing resident's names. <br />· ]qegoti~ng resolution of comp]~int~ with facility admi~i.~trators. <br />· Reporting any serious probit-ms immediately to the Ombudsman and/or appropr~_'~?e <br /> goYemmental agency. <br />· Asking for technical assistance when unsure of how to proceed. <br />· A.~l~ing the Omb~t~r~m stnff to tnake collateral contact with other government Itgencies <br /> including licensing division-~/ <br />· Mo~toring facilities in teams of three or more tr~i~ed committee members on a tpmvterly <br /> or annual basis. <br />· Preparing ~isit reports and forward to the Ombud~,~,~,~u st~t~ after each monitoring visit.. <br />· Completing all required paperwork accurately and on time. <br />· Maintaining cooperative relationships with appropriate ~gencies, such as Adult <br /> Protective Services, Adult Home Spe~ial!~st, Social Service Depa~t,~',ents, Division of <br /> Facility Services Representatives, and all law enforcement agencies. ' <br />· Establishing rapport with residents, 'families, staff, and home administrators. <br />· Assisting residents ~d f~milies with infot'mafion and support in Fm~i~g appropriate <br /> placement. <br />· MOb~i~ng volunteers for facilities ( i.e. Promoting ~ommunity involvement in f~:filities). <br />· Promoting commuuication, education, ~d awareness of issues affecting i~-~titutiolaalized <br /> older adults. <br />· Malting contact with legislators or other publi~ officials regarding advocacy i~le~. <br />· MaL, mi~ing confidentiality*hvoughout all cor~m!tt~e duties. <br /> <br /> <br />