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58 <br /> <br />Nursin~ Home and Adult Care Home Cmmunit~' Advimor~ Committees - Linde <br />2000 Annual Re~ort for the C~nit~ Adv£eo~ Cc~-~tteee <br /> <br />Community Advisory Committee and the Adult Care Home Community Advisory <br />Committee. She recognized the following committee members who.' were present <br />for the meeting: Me. Melzie Hat=sell (Adult Care Home Community Advisory <br /> <br />Community Advisory Committee). Ms. Miller reviewed the duties and <br />responsibilities of committee · members and discussed various committee <br />activities during 2000. There are currently 24 long-term .care facilities in <br />CabarrBs County and 1,892 beds. <br /> <br /> Board members expressed appreciation to Ms. Miller and the committee <br />members for their work in the community. Chairman Fennel urged anyone <br />interested in participating as a committee member to contact Ma. Miller at 1- <br />800-508-5777 or the County Manager's Off$ce for an application. <br /> <br />Hec~uest to Increase the Humber cf Advieor~ Co--42tee Members <br /> <br /> Ms. Miller asked that the Board approve five additional positions on <br />both the Nursing Home and Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committees as <br />au~horized by legislation enacted in 1997. Although & number of existing <br />positions are vacant, the Board's approval ~ould allow the appointment of <br />additional committee members in ~he future. <br /> <br /> U~ON MOTION of Commissioner Freeman, seconded by Chairman Faunal and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the addition of five member positions <br />on =he N~reing Home Community Advisory Committee and =he Adult Care Home <br />CommunityAdvisory Committee as authorized by House Bill 897 enacted in 1997. <br /> <br />Appeal of ~u~division Denial (M-~lton Crest Subdivision) - Holly Siffcrd, <br /> <br /> Ms. Kelly Sffford, Senior Planner, presented Mr. Terry Blu=o's appeal <br />of the Planning and Zoning Commission's denial of Petition C01-01(S), the <br />preliminary plat for Hamilton Crest Subdivision located off Davidson Highway. <br />The proposed subdivision ha~ SS lots on 79.~ acres and will be served by <br />private well and septic systems. According to Ms. Sifford, the proposed <br />subdivision meets all subdivision regulations except adequate public <br />facilities, specificall~ school space. Therefore, she stated it was staff's <br />recommendation for denial based on adequat~ public facilities. However, if <br />the applicant chooses to advance public facilitles, it would be staff's <br />recommendation'to approve the preliminary plat with the following conditions= <br />(1) Make changes per North Carolina Department of Transportation letter <br />regarding turn lanes~ (2} Make street name changes for E911 purposes; (3) <br />Entrance to the su~division should be designed so that it is above the flood <br />plain. Finally, Ms. Sifford stated that Mr. Marion L. Sandlin, Jr., Vice <br />President o~ Concord Engineering & Surveying, Inc. and representing Mr. <br />Bluto, had su~mitted a let=er stating Mr. Bluto would donate $500.00'per lot <br />to help advance adequate public facilities. <br /> <br /> Mr. Terry Bluto, applicant, s=ated he realized the need for public <br />facilities in Cabarrus County. He confirmed his willingness to donate $500.00 <br />per lot to help the school situation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Sandlin reported the changes to =he turn lanes had been made and it <br />had been confirmed that the elevation for the entrance road is above the <br />flood plaln. Also, he said =he road names would be changed prior to <br />eubudssicn of the f~nal plat. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTZON of Chairma~ Fennel, seconded b~ Commissioner Privette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the preliminary plat for the Hamilton <br />Crest Subdivision, contingent upon the execution by the developer (Terry <br />Bluto) of a standard agreement, including the donation of $500.00 per lot =o <br />address school ade~uac~ issues, and signed by the County Manager on behalf cf <br />Cabarrus County. Further, approval is contingent upon the developer making <br />the street name changes as required for E911 purposes. <br /> <br />tabards County Work First Pro,ram - Jim Cook <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Cook, Social Services Director, presented an update on the <br />status o[ =he County's 2001-03 Work First Block ~rant Plan that was submitted <br />to the State in November. At =hat time, the County had also requested a <br /> <br /> <br />