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IN <br />~istoric <br />Board of <br /> <br />A~EST = <br /> <br /> Courthouse under the same terms and conditions contained in the <br /> lease da=ed ~ay 10, 2000. <br /> Successors and Assigns. This Lease shall inura to the benefit of <br /> and be binding upon the parties hareto and =heir respective <br /> successors and assigns. Paragraph headings are for convenience only <br /> and shall not be deemed a con, rolling act of this Lease. <br /> Paragraph Headings.. Paragraph headings are for convenience only <br /> and shall no~ be deemed a controlling part of this La,sa. <br /> Amendment. Tb/s Lease supercedes and amends in its entirety the <br /> lease by and between ~he parties dated on or about May 10, 2000, <br /> with regard to the subject matter hereof. <br /> <br />TESTIMONY WAB~REOF, Cabarrus County has caused this instrument to be <br />in its name by its County Manager and attested by its Clerk and <br />Cabarrus, Inc., has caused this instrumant to be executed in its <br />its President and attasted by its Secretary, all by order of its <br />Directors, the day and year first above writ=eh. <br /> <br /> CABARRUS COU~FrY <br /> <br /> Frank W. Clifton, Jr. <br /> County Manager <br /> <br />Clerk to tha Board of Commissioners <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br /> Joh~ H. Foard, Jr. <br />ATTEST= President <br /> <br />Secretary <br /> <br />Road Name (~nn~e (unhand Easement o~f F~a~ Church Road to Yellow Poplar <br />Lane) - ~ubliu Hearing - 6~30 p.m. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jonathan Marshall reported that a maJoriCy of property ore, ars of an <br />~Yellow Poplar Lan~." Staff reco~ended approval for E911 ~u~oses. <br /> <br /> A= 7:40 p.m., ~i~ Fe~el opene~ =he p~lic hearing for <br />Re~min~ Pe~i~ion 01-01 (U~ame~ Easamen~ =o Yellow Poplar L~e) and asked if <br />~yone w~shed to spe~ ~i~her for or agains~ =he proposed road name. <br /> <br /> The P~lic Hearing No,ice was published in ~E I~EP~ TRIB~ on <br />March 9 and 18, 2001. <br /> <br /> ~ere was no one presen~ to ad~sa ~he Board, and ~ai~n Fe~el <br />closed =he ~lic hearing. <br /> <br /> ~ON ~TION of Co~ss~oner Freem~, seco~ed by Vic~ ~a~ Car~h <br />and un~i~usly carried, ~he Board approv~ Petition C01-01, the naming of <br />~amea easement of~ of Miami Ch~ch Road as Yellow Poplar Lan~. <br /> <br /> MS..~lly Sifford, Senior Plier, presented an ~e~iew of ~he H0~ <br />Pro,ram, a home reh~ilitation program for low-income persons in the <br />~inco~ora=ed areas of C~ar~s County. She stated ~he pr~ram helps ~o <br />address the ~ssSe of affor~le housing and pr~id~s ~d~ng =o rehabilitate <br />the ho~s of elderly res/dents, including st~ctural repairs, pluming, <br />h~dicap accessibility, acc. <br /> <br /> At 7:42 p.m., Chai~n F~el opened the p~lic hearing on the HO~ <br />~ro~ram and asked if ~yone wished to ad,ess ~he Board conceding the <br />Pr~ram. <br /> <br /> The ~lic Hearin~ No=ic~ was p~lished in ~E ~0~ OBSER~R <br />(C~ar~s Neig~ors) on March 1~ and 18, 2001. <br /> <br /> There was no one present to address the Board, ~d Chai~ Fete1 <br />closed the p~lic hearing. <br /> <br />No action was required by the Board. <br /> <br /> <br />