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LEASE PAYMENTS. In consideration and in recognition of Historic <br />Cabarrus' past and future efforts in the continuing restoration and <br />renovation of the Courthouse, Historic ~abarrus shall pay the county <br />annual rent of $1.00(ONE DOLLAR) for the right to occupy the Leased <br />Premises. Lease payments shall be due and payable the first day of <br />July each year of the Lease term. <br /> <br />4. COUNTY P~SPONSIBILITIES. <br /> a. Maintenance= The County will maintain the exterior of the <br /> Courthouse building and the grounds, which responsibilities will <br /> include, without limitation, maintenanca and repair of the <br /> Courthouse str~cture, landscaping and lighting of the Courthouse <br /> grounds, and maintaini~g the currently available parking facilities <br /> on the Courthouse grounds. All maintenance and repairs shall be <br /> performed in a workmanlike manner, sensitive to the historic nature <br /> of the bulldin~, normal wear and tear excepted. In addition, the <br /> County agrees to maintain the interior of the Courthouse building <br /> in a condition as much like its original condition as possible; <br /> provided however, that central heating, air conditioning, <br /> electrical fixtures and appliances may be utilized in such ways <br /> that are as non intrusive as 9ossible on the Courthouse' interior <br /> and in keeping with the original fixtures. The County may make <br /> such additional improvements as shall contribute to the beauty of <br /> the Courthouse as close as possible to what is believed to be its <br /> original existence. All auuh improvements shall be done under <br /> consultation with Historic cabarrus and a competent architect <br /> according to a general plan of organized historic renovation and <br /> restoration. In the event the Leased Premiees are used to store <br /> and display fragile and Sensitive artifacts, the County agrees to <br /> install in the Museum Room of the Leased Premises a special, <br /> independent environmental control system that is best suited to <br /> ass/st in thc preservation of such artifacts. <br /> b. Insurance= The County will kee9 in force liability insurance in <br /> such amounts and against such hazards as may be necessary or <br /> desirable an~ will insure the Leased Pram/see against fire and <br /> windstorm for the use and benefit o~ Historic Cabarrue and/or the <br /> County, as its interests may appear. If the building upon the <br /> Demised Premises shall he da~ged by fire or other casualty, and <br /> such damages are of a minor nature, the same shall he repaired by <br /> Cabarrue County directly, or from the proceeds of insurance <br /> coverage, as quickly as is reasonable possible. If the Courthouse <br /> is damaged to such an extent as to render the same unfit for use or <br /> occupancy, this Lease shall ter~dnate and the proceeds of insurance <br /> coverage shall he paid to the County, and Historic Cabarrue shall <br /> he relieved from further liability under the Lease. <br /> <br />HISTORIC CA~ARRUS RESPONSIBILITIES. <br />a. Maintenance. Historic Cabarrue agrees to maintain the Leased <br /> Premises in good order, normal wear and tear excepted. Historic <br /> Cabarrus will .properly secure the Leased Premises and will promptly <br /> notify the County of any damage or repairs needed in the Leased <br /> Premises. <br />b. Insurance. Historic Cabarrus shall be responsible for pr~iding <br /> insurance against 'fire, theft, water or other damage for the <br /> contents of Leased Premises. <br /> Utilities. Cabarrue County shall be responsible for the payment of <br /> all bills for water, heating and electrical current. The occupants <br /> of the Courthouse shall be responsible for the payment of their own <br /> respective telephone hills. <br />d. County Offices. Cabarrua County will house some of its. offices in <br /> the building thereby making it open to the public during normal <br /> business hours. The public shall also be entitled to tour the <br /> entire building in such a manner as not to disrupt business. <br />e. Auditorium Leasing. Cabarrus County will assume responsibility for <br /> leasing the auditorium. However, Historic Cabarrus will be <br /> permitted to continue the memorial seating sales as a fundraiser <br /> for Historic Cabarrua. <br />f. Displa~e In Public Areas. The Courthouse main entrance and hallway <br /> will continue to have historic pictures on the walls and have <br /> showcases with historic artifacts. Placement of pictures, <br /> showcases and other items on display shall Be at the discretion of <br /> the County, in consultation with Historic Cabarrue. <br /> <br />MISCELLANEOUS. <br />a. Abandonment. In the event the County abandons the Courthouse, <br /> Historic Cabarrus, at its sole discretion, may lease the entire <br /> <br /> <br />