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maintaining the facility since it completed the initial renovation around <br /> 1980. The organization will maintain an office in the courthouse through the <br /> current lease term of 2015. The County will use the remainder of the <br /> building for other offices. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jack Foard, President of Historic Cabarr~e, Inc., stated the <br /> organization does not have the income to adequately maintain the facility and <br /> would rather use its resources to gather and teach the histo.r~ of Cabarrus <br /> county. <br /> <br /> There was brief discussion about the County's responsibility <br /> constructing and maintaining County facilities, including parks and the <br /> historic courthouse, for use by the citizens of Cabarrus County. <br /> <br /> Mr. Day asked for =ha addition of the words 'contents of' to Sec=ion S, <br /> Historic Cabarrus Responsibilities (b) Insurance, of the Lease Agreemen=. <br /> This change was made to =he proposed lease. <br /> <br /> U~ON MOTION Of Commissioner Privetta, e~oonded by Commissioner Suggs <br /> and ~nanimously carried, ~he Board approved the following lease between <br /> Cabarrus County and Historic cabarrus, Inc. as amended, and authorized the <br /> County Manager to execute the lease on behalf of Cabarrue County. <br /> <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> <br /> THIS ~24E~DED~ND RESTATED LEASE, ~ade and entered into this the 26~ day <br />of March, 2001 by and be=ween CABARRUS COUNTY, North Carolina, a body <br />and political subdivision of =he State of North Carolina (hereinafter called <br />the 'county') and HISTORIC CA~ARRUS, INC., a non-profit corporation organized <br />and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina, having its <br />principal office in the City of Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carollna <br />(hereinafter called 'Historic Cabarrus~). <br /> <br /> WITNESSBTH THAT= <br /> <br />WHEREAS, on or about May 10, 2000, the County and Historic Cabarrue entered <br />into a lease of the property hereinafter described, known as the <br />Cabarrus County Courthouse" (hereinafter referred =o as =he 'Courthouse") <br />more fully described as= <br /> <br /> Lying and being in Ward No. 3 of the City of Concord, <br /> Carolina, on the east side of South Un/on Street and on the south <br /> Side of Means Avenue and being the lot upon which the old <br /> Cabarrus County Courthouse is located and described as follows= <br /> BEGINNING at a point in =he southeast intersection of South <br /> Union Street and Means Avenue and running thence with Means <br /> Avenue in an easterly direction to a point= thence in a southerly <br /> direction parallel with and 40 fee= from ~he rear wall' of <br /> Historic Cabarrus County Courthouse =o a point= thence in a <br /> westerly direction along a line ~dway between =be south wall of <br /> the Historic Cabarrus Coun=y Courthouse and the edge of =he <br /> bottom step on the notch side of the new Cabarrus County <br /> Courthouse =o a point in =he east edge of South Union <br /> thence with South Union Street in a northerly direction to =he <br /> BEGINNING. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the parties have decided =o renegotiate =he May 10, 2000 lease <br />in accordance with the =arms and conditions more fully set forth below. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDEI~ATION OF THE PREMISES AND OTHER GOOD AND <br /> VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, TH~ SUFFICIENCY OF ~HICH '£kl~ PA~TIES HEREBY <br /> ACKNOWLEDGE, T~ PARTIES A~REE RE FOLLOWS= <br /> <br />1. LEASED SPACE. Historic Cabarrus will lease the room in the Courthouse <br /> located on the firs= floor in the southwest corner of =ha Courthouse, <br /> now' known as the Museum Boom. At the County's discretion, other space <br /> in the building of equal or greater size may by substituted for the <br /> Museum Room. Historic cabarrus will also have shared use of a <br /> conference room in the Courthouse. Hereafter, the Museum Room and <br /> shared use of a conference room shall be collectively referred to as <br /> the ~Leased Premises'. The County will install electrical and <br /> telephone connections in =he Leased ~remfses for the use of Historic <br /> Cabarrus. <br /> <br />2. TERM OF LEASE. This lease shall conunence effective the da=e hereof <br /> and shall continue through the 35~ day of June, 2015. <br /> <br /> <br />