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6O <br /> <br /> WHEP~AS, the Area Program received a score of 91% in the State on <br />consumer satisfaction; and <br /> WHEP~AS, the Area Pro,ram has received 'unqualified opinions" fro~ <br />ex~e~al, i~epe~en= audi~ fi~s since ~he inception of these audits in <br /> <br /> ~, the ~ea Pro,ram is operating and pr~fdin~ ~ali=y semites <br />tn a fiscally responsible ma~er; ~d <br /> <br />Board of Co~issioners and the citizens of this <br /> NOW ~F0~, BE IT ~SOL~ ~ ~e Board of Co~ssioners of C~ar~s <br /> <br />Section 1. ~e. continued pr~ision of semites ~der the current · program is more th~ satisfacCo~ and should be ~intalned. <br />Sec=ion 2. ~e provision of se~ices ~der the current arrangement <br /> alt~eCher ~re accept~le and appropriate than the provision of <br /> se~ices by a State agent. <br />Section 3. ~e Cowry does no= have an in=eresU in pr~idin~ mental health <br /> se~ices directly as ~other Co~ty department; or indirectly <br /> ~der ~ticle 160~ <br />Section 4. ~e Cowry opposes any ~d all sections of H.B. 381 =hat shift <br /> <br />Section 5. ~is resolution be spread upon the minu=es of this meetin~ and a <br /> dBly au=hentica=~d copy be presented to Pie~ont Behavioral <br /> Healthcare ~ea ~/DD/SA Authority. <br />Adopted this =he 26~ day of March, 2001. <br /> <br /> ~s/ ~e L. Fe~el <br /> <br /> C~ar~s cowry Board o~ Co~ssloners <br />A~ST: <br />/s{ ~a~ie F. Bonds <br />Fra~ie F. Bonds, Clerk to the Board <br /> <br />Addend~ to Incmn~ive Gran~ A~e~nt for Sou=heas~e~ ~ackm~in~ <br /> <br /> Mr. Todd Ross, representing Southeas=e~ Packaging Co, any, re~ested <br />approval of ~ ~den~um ~o =he 1999 Indus=ria~ Develop~nc Incentive <br />A~reemen= for ~ e~anston proJec~ by Southeas=e~. In addiuion =o ~kin~ <br />impr~ements on =he current si=~, he sCa=ed 2he co,any had ac~ired 29 acres <br />across =he street from ~he ~isttn~ plan~ ~d bu~l= a 160,000 s~are <br />facility ~o house new ~chlne~. The ~dendum would add 2h~s property <br />was ac~ired and on which i~r~emen~s were ~de for ~he ~ansion <br /> <br /> Mr. Bill ~uri, Co~y T~ Aud,=or, responded to ~estions re~ardlng <br />~he ~lemen~a=ion of the incentive ~ran= pr~ram for Sou=heaste~ Packaging. <br />He advised =ha= he had no= ye~ received, info~a~ion [rom the company <br />re~ardin9 speci[ic values of the i~r~emen~s. <br /> <br /> There was discussion regardin~ 2he a~ of =he incentive ~ran= and <br />the amoun~ of =he increased lures=men= by 2he company. <br /> <br /> ~0N MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Chairman Fennel and <br />unanimously carried, theBoard deferred consideration of the Addendum to the <br />Incentive Grant Agreement for Southeastern Packaging ~ntil the next ~ee~ing <br />with company officials and County staff to provide estimates as to the value <br />of the company's ex~nnsion project. <br /> <br />Co~sidermtion o~ Consultin~ A~rsemen~ with ~e Fez~juson Group, ~LC - ~na~ <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel ex~lained that The Ferguson Group, LLC is a lobbying <br />group whose staff members are familiar with legislation and potential funding <br />for various local government projects. Local clients of the group include <br />Mecklenburg County and the cities of Concord and Charlotte. He proposed that <br />the Board consider the group's services in October and determine at <br />if Cabarrus County is interested in pursuing =hose services. <br /> <br /> There was general consensus to Chairman Pennel's proposal and the issue <br />will he placed on the October 2001 agenda for consideration. <br /> <br />N. C. City and County Management Associati~n Civic Education Pro, eot - Frank <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton reviewed the Civic Education project sponsored by the North <br />Carolina City and County Management Association. The program provides <br /> <br /> <br />