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information to school age students regarding local government structure, <br />organization and services. He proposed that Cabarrus County sponsor the <br />program at an annual level of $2,500.00 for five fiscal years beginning FY <br />2002. <br /> <br /> U~ON MOTION of Commissioner ~rtvette, seconded by Co~missioner Suggs <br />and unanimously carried, the Board agreed to fund tbs Civic Education project <br />at $2,S00.00 aunua11y over a period of five years. <br /> <br /> ~r. Clifton will provide information concerning the program to the <br />Board on a periodic basis. <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel announced the Annual National Day of Prayer is <br />Thursday, May 3. In conjunction with this event, the Chairn~n,s Annual <br />Prayer Breakfast will be held at 8=00 a.m. on Saturday, May 5, at HcGill <br />Baptist Church. Representative Robin Hayes will be the ~uest speaker. To <br /> <br /> Com~issioner Privette announced the Kannapolis celebration of <br />National Day of Prayer would he held at 12=00 noon on May 3~ at the <br />Kannapo~is Town Park. <br /> <br /> U~ON MOTION of Vice Chairman Carruth, seconded by Chairman Fennel and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed the followin~ persons as Flreme~'s <br />Relief Fund Trustees as recommended by their respective fire departments: <br />Monty ~reene (Allen)~ Ned Blackwelder (Cold Water); Jim Aldridge (Flowes <br />Store)~ Carl Junker {Georg~ville)~ Brian Dunn (Harrisburg); Ben Mabre¥, Sr. <br />(Jackson Park); Freddie J. Kiker (Midland); Lee P. Cline (Mt. Nitchell)~ <br />Frankie Barringer (Mt. Pleasant)~ Eddie Moose (Northeast Cabarrus)~ Jack W. <br />Irvin (Odell); Richard Peterlin (Poplar Tent}; and Roy Gray (Rimer). All <br />appointments were for terms of two years ending January 31, 2003. <br /> <br />Cabal=us Count~ Transportation Advisor~' Board <br /> <br /> The Board received the vrri=ten request from Mr. James Sasser, <br />Transporcation Plauner, to e~and the men~0ership and scope of the <br />Tranmportation Advisory Board to meet State representation requirements and <br />increase the level of community involvement. He requested that the new <br />appointments be effective July 1, 2001 for a term of three years. <br /> <br /> ~ON MOTION of Co~issioner Privette, seconded by Co~missioner Freeman <br />and unanimously carried, the Board approved-the following appointments to the <br />Transportation ~visory Board effective July 1, 2001 for terms of three years <br />ending June 30, 2004: Janet C. Purser (Head Start); Michael Stafford <br />(Cabarrus Emergency Medical Se~ices): Pamela K. Lockard (Cabarrus Health <br />Alliance - will replace Gina Golf as representative in this seat); and Gins <br />Golf (Healthy Cabarrus - new seat). <br /> <br />INFOI~L PU~LICCOM~NTS <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel opened the Informal Public Comments portion of- =he <br />meeting at 9:0~ p.m. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tom ~oedeke addressed the wa=er shortage in the cou/~ty. He <br />suggested that the reservoirs be dug deeper while the water levels are down, <br />thus increasing future capacity. <br /> <br /> ~ere was no one else present to address the Board, and Chai~an Fennel <br />closed that portion of the meeting. <br /> <br />CO~SSIO~TERS DISCUSSION & RESPONSB ~O I~TORM~L P~IBLIC CO~S (if needed) <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel com~en=ed on requlations governing reservoirs and <br />suggested that Mr. Goedeke contact ~he City of Concord. <br /> <br /> <br />