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81 <br /> <br />$. The property is within 500 feet of Hishway 601. <br /> <br /> Against Petition C01-01(R) = <br /> 1. The proposed uses will have an adverse impact on adjacent residential <br /> properties to the south. <br /> 2. Some of the proposed permitted uses are not compatible with adjacent <br /> residential uses. <br />3. The proposed uses will have an adverse impact on area traffic flow. <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel opened the public hearing at 8:1S p.m. and asked if <br /> anyone wished to speak either for or against the proposed rezoning. The <br /> Notice of the Public Hearing was published in THE INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE on April <br /> 15 and April 22, 2001. <br /> Mr. Ronnle Hinson, Petitioner, stated he i~ a heating and amr <br />conditioning contractor who does residential heating and air co~itloning <br />service and replacements. He said he has operated the business for 25 years <br />from 316 Highland Avenue, a residential area in Concord, and has had no <br />problems with the neighbors. Relocation from the Highland Avenue site is <br />necessary due to Ownership of the property. Mr. Hinaon estimated trips to his <br />business at approximately 10-15 trips a day, stating his employees operate <br />vans or pick-ups and are radio dispatched to the consumer. He cited plans to <br />remodel the house for office use and to build a masonry structure for storage. <br />He reported that he has repositioned the storage building to address concerns <br />by an adjacent property owner. Finally, Mr. Hinson stated in his opinion the <br />business woul~ -not take away from the property values in the area, a~ the <br />homes are located a long distance off the road. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brian Joyner, adjacent property owner, advised that sewer is not <br />available in the area aa had been reported by Mr. Le~tz. Ha opposed the <br />rezoning and sugsested that Mr. HinsoR move his business to a cormnercial zone <br />rather then to a residential neighborhood. He expressed concern the approval <br />of the rezonins would create a ~funnel effect" for the future and asked where <br />the Board would d~aw the line if other businesses w~nted to move to the area. <br />He said he is restoring a home On his property and doesn't know if the <br /> <br />stated he objected to seeing cars and a metal building from his home. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cecil Marlin, who resides across the street from Mr. Hinson's <br />property, complained about the high volume of traffic on Flowes Store Road. <br />He questioned the estimated number of ~ripe per day to the business and <br />expressed concern about the safety of children attending the nearby A. <br />Allen School. Further, Mr. Marlin questioned the -funnel effect" the rezoning <br />would create as well as the type of business that would locate on the property <br />should Mr. Hinson decide to sell at a future time. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hinson confirmed that sewer is not available to the property. He <br />also pointed out he would be building a masonry structure, not a metal <br />building, on his property. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lentz reviewed the location of the Hinson property and nearby houses <br />on the map. He also responded to questions concerning boundaries of com~ercial <br />and residential zoning. Further, Mr. Lentz described the businesses located at <br />the Flowes Store Road/Highway 601 intersection and pointed out the proximity <br />of the Hinson property to that intersection. <br /> <br /> The motion by Chairman Fennel to approve Petition C01-01(R) with the <br />following findings of fact died for lack of a second~ (1) The proposed limited <br />commercial uses are consistent with the existing land uses to the north and <br />east of this property, which include home based construction operations, the <br />Allen Fire Station and a secondhand/grocery store; (2) The prohibition of <br />outdoor storage will protect adjacent residential property values; (3) With <br />proper landscape screening, the proposed uses will not have am adverse impact <br />on adjacent residential properties; (4) water is available to the property~ <br />and(S) the property is within SOO feet of Highway 601. <br /> <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Prtvette, seconded by Commissioner <br />Suggs, to deny Petition C01-01(R) based on the following findings of fact: (1} <br />The proposed uses will have an adverse impact on adjacent residential <br />properties and devalue the residential property; {2) Some of the proposed <br />permitted uses are not compatible with ~djaoent residential uses; and (3) the <br />proposed uses will have an adverse impact on area traffic flow. There was no <br />vote on the motion. <br /> <br /> There was discussion about the proximity of the Hinson property to the <br />commercial businesses located at the Flowes Store Road and Hishway 601 <br />intersection. During the discussion, ther~ were questions as to whether any <br />houses are located between the Hinson property and Highway 601. <br /> <br /> U~ON MOTION of Vice Chairman Carruth, seconded by Commissioner Privette <br />and unanimously carried, the Board moved to table consideration of Petition <br />C01-01(R) until the May Board meeting in order ~to allow time for more fact <br />finding concerning the rezonlng request, specifically to determine if any <br />houses are located between the Hinson property and Highway 601. <br /> <br /> <br />