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On,is 24TH , <br />POST OFFICE BOX 10647 <br /> <br /> CONTRACT TO AUDIT ACCOUNTS <br /> <br />of UABARRU$ COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br /> dayof AYRIL , 2001 , CRERR¥, BF, KAE. It~ & HOI~, L.L.~',. <br /> <br />GASTON~A~ NC 28053-1061+ <br /> <br /> · hcmitmtl~r rnf~red ~o as <br /> <br />, h~iuaflu ~£nrred <br /> <br />I. The Auditor shall audit all statements and disclosures required by generally accepted accounting print{plea and additional <br /> requ}rod legal statements and disclosures oF all Funds and/or divisions of the Governmental Unit for the pealed begJunlng <br /> JULY 1 ., 2000 , and ending JUNE 30 2001 . The combining, indivldusl fund, and <br /> account group financial stalements and schedules shall be subjected t~ the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the <br /> combined financial utalementa and un opinion v/iH be rendered in relation to the combined finanufnl statements taken os a whole. <br /> <br />2. At u minimum, the Auditor shall conduct his audit and render his ~eport in accordance with generally accepted uudiiing <br /> standards. The auditat shall perform the audit in accordance with Government Audifin~ Standards if roqulted by the State Single <br /> Audii Implementation Act, as codified in 0.$~ 159-34. If required by OMa Circular A-133 and the State Single Audit <br /> Implementation Act, the auditor shall perform a Single Audit. <br /> <br />3. ~7ff$ COnlroct contemplates all Itttq~tdiJ]¢d opinion being rendered. If financial slalementu ascot preparod in a~ccordanos wilh <br /> generally accepted accounting principles {OAAP), or the statements fall to include all disclosures requited by GAAP, explain that <br /> departure fi'om OAAP In the spare below: <br /> <br />4. ITd~t confract contemplates an unqualified opinion bel.g rendered. ~e audit shall inclMe such tts~ of the accounting ~rds <br /> and such other auditin8 ~u~ ~ sro considet~ by the Audltar to be n~ in the ci~u~nc~., dny limifat~on~ <br /> ~riclion~ hi ~cope w~lch I~uM lead Io a qual~catio. ~houM be fully ~latned ia an mt~hm~t to this contract. ~e audit <br /> will bave no ~pe limitations <br /> <br />5. Ir this audit engagement is ~bjeat lo thc a~dardm for audit ~ defin~ in the Government Auditin~ Standards. i~u~ by the <br /> ~uire~n~ for a pee~ review and ~atinuJng ~ucalion as specifi~ in the Oovem~nt Audiline Standards. ~e Auditor <br /> Commi~ion ~ ~ the ex~ulion of ~e and{I conical (See ll~ 20.) <br /> <br />6. It is a~ that time is ~flhe ~n~ in this conlmcL All audits ae to be p~o~ ~d ~e ~po~ of audit ~bmlti~ by <br /> <br /> OCTOBER 3[ , 2001 <br /> <br />7. It is a~re~ that generally accept~ auditing s~ds include a revi~ of the Oovemment~ Unit's ~em of int~al ~at~l and <br /> a~ounl}ng as ~ ~elatea to aeaoun~bifity of thnds and adbetmce to bud~t and law ~ut~n~ appii~ble thegn; ~at <br /> Auditor will ~ke a wdttan ~ which ~y os ~y nol be a ~. o~the ~fitan ~. ofandit, to the Governing Bo~ <br /> fotlh his finding, t~e~er with him ~m~ations rot {mprov~n~ ~ wtitl~ ~e~ must include all matters defln~ <br /> " conditions" in AU 325 oF the AICPA PtoFe~ional Slanders. ~e Audilor shall ~ie a ~ov of that re~ with the <br /> <br />8. Afl Ionsl govemmenl and pub]it authority ~nttacls for annual or s~ial audil~, bao~eping or other a~Jst~ce neeessa~ Io <br /> p~pare the Unil's ~o~s for a~il, financial sta~ment preparation, any flnan~-relal~ in~tigationm, or ~y nih. audit-~lat~ <br /> work in lhe Stale of North ~roli~ ~ui~ the appm. I o~ the Secreta~ o~ the Local Govem~nt Co~i~ico. Invoic~ for <br /> sc~ices rmadcr~ under thee cenlrac~ shal} not ~ uald bv the Governmental Unit until the invoice h~ ~en auo~v~ bv the <br /> ~retarv oF Ihe Local Government Commission. ~is also includ~ any urom~ss bilfines. I All invoic~ should ~ submi.~ in <br /> triplicate Io the ~ec~tary ef~e ~al Gov~nt ~o~i~ion. ~e original and one copy will be return~ ~ the Auditor. <br /> A~mval is nol r~ui~ co ~nlmc~ and in~ic~ for s~lem }mp~ve~ts and almil~ s~ic. ora non-a~ifing naturo. <br /> <br />9. In consld~tian o~ the ~{sfanta~ ~ffo~n~ of the provisions of this a~e~L the ~e~nal Unit shall ~y Io the <br /> Auditor, u~n approval by the Se~ta~ of the L~al Oo~m~at Commi~ion, ~ followine f~ which includ~ ~y ~at th3 <br /> Aedilot may incur from work ~r or p~t ~views ot any other qualiW ~ pru{~ ~ui~ by thi~ ~rtiu (F~e~ ~d <br /> 5~te ~t~ and oversi~t agendea os o~ org~i~tions} u ~qui~ und~ the F~I ~d S~te Single Audit A~ <br /> <br /> Audit- ~36.000 (~ROGRES5 BILLZNO <br /> <br />II. <br /> <br />PrepurullanoftheflnJndnlstntementa $1,000 (INCLUDED IN $31+,000 TOTAL AUDIT FgE) <br /> <br />Afler completing his audit, the Auditor shaft submit ta thc Governing Boaxd a written report of uudiL This report shah include, at ' <br />least, the finsn~}al stat~-n~.-nta of the governmental unit and ali of itu compo, ent un{l~ and notea thereto prepared in accordance <br />with generally acanpted accounting pfinc{p{e~, comb{nih8 and supp{emcctary information requested by the client or required for <br />fu{{ disclosure under the la>v, and file and{tot's opinion on the material presented. 'l'i~e Auditor shall Furnish the required number <br />of copies ol'the report of andit to the Oovem}ng Board a~ soon as pra¢iica{ after the close of the accounting period. <br /> <br />The Auditor shall file with tile Local Onvemment Conunisaion two copies of the report of audit, including one copy of the <br />federal Data Colleefian Fon~, if a federal single audit is ~onducted. Two copies of Ihe report of audit should be submined if an <br />audit is required to be performed only under the requiremenLm of the State Single Audit Implementation Act or a financial audit is <br />requi~ed to be performed in accordance wilh Government Auditine Standards. Otherwise, one copy shall be submitted. Copies of <br />the report shall be filed with the Local Covemment Commission when (or print to) submitting the invoice for the services <br /> <br /> <br />