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NURSING IIOME COMMIINYI~ ADVISORY CO~ <br />ADULT CARE ROME COlVlMIIN1TY ADVISORY COMMI'FI~. <br /> APPO~ AND <br /> <br />VOLUNTEER JOB DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />The Nursing Home Conmnmity Advisory C~ie~ (I~HCiC) and the Aduli Care Home C.o,~iy Advisory <br />Commlitee (ACHCAC) serve the residents oflon~ t~rm care facilities w~h{n the county..The c~miIIees have <br />le~/slative authority to monitor the P. es/dents' Bill of Ri~ promote conununhy/nvolvement i~ the homes, <br />provide public education on lone ~erm 'care issues, assist res/de~_~ in ~rievance resolution and promote elder <br />abuse awareness. (O.-q. 1311)-31, O.,q. 131 E-128) .. <br /> <br />h'HCAC members are required to ~ all nm'sin~ homes once a quarter as a committee and are to visit <br />'individ-~lly as often as possible. ACHCAC mmnbers are to v~ Adult Care Homes quarterly,. Family Car~ <br />Home and Group Homes for Devel°pmevt'lly Disabled .a~ults n,,m,nlly as a co,--.-,-JUee with individual visits <br />bein8 carded oul as often as possible. Business meetinEs are held on a quarterly bash. Training and in - facility <br />orientation ~ be prov/ded by the North Carolina D/vis,on .of A//ng through the Regional Omhudsmau <br />Progr,.,-= Co,r~ttee activities will involve at iesst ei_nht hours a month. <br /> <br />Thc initial training con~.~ of reacting ~ attending a Ir~'i,~{~g session conduced by the P. egio-,! <br />Omb~,d~ Pros~'~m ami an in-faaqity or~t.6on visit to each type of famT~ the comm~ee member serves. ~ <br />a member does not complete the tr~!nlng and in-fs~'li~ orien~sfion wlthi~ throe mmiths from the date of <br />appointment~ the Courtw Commlssioaer~ will be asked t~ replace the Committee Member~ ' <br /> <br />Members ,of these conunktees nmst resMe within the coumy thee the comm~ee serves. They should at~end <br />lraininS sessions and be able to effectively communicate with the residents and ~y stafF. All committee <br />~nernbers are appointed by the COunty Commissioners. One-third ~re to be nominated by facility admir~shators. <br />All apPointees shrill' serve an/nilial one year term and then may be re-appoinled to a subsequent term at'two or <br />thr~ years for ACHCAC and three years for NHCAC. <br /> <br />The legislation Fequires that "no pe~on or immediate {'_~m~]~ member oft person with a financhl interest <br />in a home served by the committee, or employee or governing board member of a home served by the <br />committee, or immedhte family member of a Fesident in a home served by the committ~ m~y be a <br />member of that committee". Immediate. family b defined as mother, father, sister, brother, child, <br />grandmother and grandfather as well as in-laws. <br /> <br />¥olunte~rs swains on these commiuees are the link between the facilities and the ~. Their work va31 <br />ultimately result in improving the quality of life for home residenls. Th~ have the op .po~ to me~t a wide <br />variety of people as they carry out committee respon~illties. Additional infommtion on committe~ aclim'iies can <br />be obtained from the R~'~iox~l Lo~ Term Care Omlmdsnum Program at the Centrallna Area A~ency on Agin~ <br />704-372-2416 or 1-800-.$08-$777. <br /> <br /> <br />