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SPECIF/C DUTIES INCLUDE: <br /> <br />· Completing a IS-hour tr~_i~ing course-establish_ed by the State Lbng Term Care <br /> Ombudsman Wl'thln 3 moths from the date of appointment. <br />· Attencli,~g atieast 10 hours of in-service training per year ( quarterly business meetings <br /> and ~'..,,1 training). <br />· Responding to refe ,~ from the 0mbu~l-~mn,~ st~ <br />· Receiving and investi~ti,~g compl.i,~ts from residents, f.m,~y members, and staff and <br /> doctrmenti,~g complaint i,,~'ormntlon: <br />· ' Completing. author~,tlon fo..s before .disclosing resident's names. <br />· Negotiating resolution of compl.h~ts with fac~ty administrators. <br />· Reporting any seriou~ problems immediately to the Ombt~rl~mnn and/or appropriate <br /> govemmentnl_ agency. <br />· Asking for tech,~ical assist.nce when,m~re of how to proceecL <br />· Askl. g the Ombu ~dsman st.ff to m-ke collateral contact with other government agencies <br /> inch~di,~g licensiug divisions.' <br />· Monitoring facilities in ten. ms of three or more tmlv~ed COmmittee member5 OB. a q.-rterly <br /> or annual basis. <br />· Preparing visit reports _.,~d forward to the Ombudsman stn~Fafter each monitoring visit.. <br />· Compleg,~g ~ req-lred paperwork accurately and ou time. <br /> · - Maini.i,~i.g coope~_~ve relatio,~ships with appropriate agencies, such as Adult <br /> Protective Services. Adult Home Speci. al~.'.st. Social Service Depa~i.,.ents. Div/-_~on of <br /> Fac~ty Services Representatives. and all law' enforcement agencies, i <br />· Establlshi,~g rapport with residents, '~m,'lles. st.t~, and home administrators. <br />· Assisting residents and f. milies with i,,formation n-d support in ~,~rl~g appropg, ate <br /> placement. <br /> <br />· Mob,~i~ng vol;u~teers for facilities ( i.e. Promoting Comm, mlty involvement in facilities). _ <br /> <br />· Promoting comrn,,,~ication, education, and awareness of issues affecti_',~g i,~-~ituti~malized <br /> older adults. <br />· Making contact with legislators or other public ot~c,_'_:,Is re~rrli,~g advocacy issues. <br />· l~i~tnlt~it~g cont~dentiality throughout ~11 commiRee duties, <br /> <br /> <br />