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Front: NC Geodetic Survey To: John Marshall Date: <br /> <br /> CABARRUS <br /> Cabarru~ ~vas formed in 1792 from Mecklenburg, It was <br />named in honor of S~ephen Cabarrus of Edenton, several time8 a <br />member of the LegisLature and four time~ speaker of the House <br />of Common~. It is in the south central ~ection of the State and <br />is bounded by StanIY, Union, Mecklenburg, Iredell, a~d Rowan <br />count/es. The present area ia 890 sq~lare m/les and the <br />finn i8 59,893. ]in 1795 an act w~ passed naming corem/a-,toners <br />to erect a courthouse on the land of Samuel Huge), which had <br />already been selected as a proper place for the coat, by seat. They <br />were to lay out the town of Concord. Concord was incorporated <br />in 1805, and /~ tl~e county se~t.~ <br /> <br /> · .. , the county of Mecklenburg shall be divided aa fol£ow~, ~ ~e~, <br />nJng st where Ire/ell line crosses the e~t branch of Rcckey river, then <br />d~rwn the said branch 'ce /to ~unetfon with the west branch which comes <br />from Colonel OebernoSe, frown thence to where the wag~en road ero~se~ <br />Clef]de oreck, a little to t~e w~st of Captain Pickens, the;nee to ~he barn cf <br />Adam Meek, sen. thence taa cluster o~ forgo rocks a little ~o the <br />of the Bleat road from Colonel /;m/th'~ to Charlotte, no~ far dt~tant from <br />said Smith's, thence to James St~fl%rci's, and from thence to tl~.e mouth <br />Clear creek; and ail that par~ of the county of Mecklenburg aforesaid <br />l~ng west and ~outh of said dividine line, ~]~ail continue &nc~ remain a dis- <br />~nct oo~nty blt the name of Heekler~buzg; and all fl~at part of the said <br />co~2ty lying north a~d east of said line, ohall be erected into · new and <br />distinct county by the name o:~ Cab~rr~s.TM <br /> <br /> Part of Meck]enbur~ was an.~exed to Cabarru~ in 1794, <br /> <br /> ·.., That all that part o! the county cf Mecklenburg, which shall or may <br />be tnch~ded by a line be&dnntnF at Pickeua'n Ford on Clark's cree~, r~nning <br />each n course a~d direction a~ to include the foilcw/ng ~ersona, and the <br />land whereon t~.ey live, to ~,it, John Wile°n, Robert Hops, Zacche~ Wil- <br />son, John 5loan, N~thaniel C~iles, and Do~tor Charles Herr/s, from thence <br />tn the north east corner of Adam Meek', dwelling-heave nn the Cah&rru! <br />line,.so ~ to in&h~de the said Adorn Meek tn ~Iecklenburg county, ehldl be <br />added to the county of Cabarrus lu es full and ernple a manner as if the <br />s~me had been included at the ~/me cf the d/vis/on .... <br /> <br /> <br />