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165 <br /> <br />QRAFT <br /> <br />The Town of Mount Pleasant shall supply a Clerk for the Mount Pleasant Planning <br />& Zoning Come,lesion. The Clerk shall be responsible for compiling meeting <br />agendas, mailing of all material to Planning & Zoning Co~m~ission me~ers, minutes <br />oS all meetings, and record keeping. <br /> <br />Contract Documents: The Contract Documents consist of this signed Contract form <br />and any Exhibits incorporated herein. <br /> <br />Compensation and Method of Payment: For satisfactorily providing all services <br />described and required in the Contract Oocuments, Cabarrus County shall receive <br />a $3,000 direct payment from the Town of Mount Pleasant and shall retain one half <br />of all planning and zoning permit and review fees. <br /> <br />In witness whereof the parties have caused this Contract to be duly executed, <br />intending to be bound thereOy. <br /> <br />CABA~RUS COUNTY <br />Authorized <br />Signature: /s/ Arne L. Fennel <br />Title: Chairman, Hoard of Co~unissioners <br />Date: August 20, 2001 <br /> <br />TOWN OF MOUNT PLEASANT <br />Authorized <br />Signature: <br />Title: <br />Date: <br /> <br />+This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local <br />Government Sudget and Fiscal Control Ace. <br />/s/ Blair H. Bennett <br />Finance Director <br /> <br />Pro,rams and Plans Required for the CDBG Scattered Site ~ousing Rehabilitation <br />Grant <br /> <br /> UPON ~TION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Vice Chairman Carruth and <br />unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following programs and plane for the <br />Com4nunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Scattered Site Housing Rehabilitation <br />Grant and authorized the Chairman to execute the documents on behalf of Cabarrus <br />County: Citizen Participation Plan [including Advisory Committee, Scope of <br />Citizen Participation, Program Implementation and Program Assessment}; <br />Residential ~unti-dispiacement and Relocation ~sistance Plan Under Section 104(d) <br />of the Rousing and Co--unity Development Act of 1974, as Amended; Local Economic <br />Benefit for Low-and Very Low-Income Persons Plan 2001 CDBG Program; Equal <br />Employment and Procurement Plan; Pair Housing Resolution; Procurement Policy - <br />CDBG Grant Project; Community Development Code of Conduct; Self-Evaluation <br />Survey. <br /> <br />CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN <br />CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> <br />This plan describes how the County will involve citizens in the planning, <br />implementation and assessment of the Community Development Block Grant <br />Program. The CDBG Program provides funds to lo6al governments on a competitive <br />basis. The funds must be used for projects which benefit low-and-moderate-income <br />persons and aids in the provision of employment opportunities. The program is <br />intended to assist governments in undertaking economic development programs. The <br />regulations give ultimate responsibility for the design a~d implementation of the <br />program to local elected officials and also requires that citizens be given an <br />opportunity to serve in key advisory roles to these elected officials. <br /> <br /> ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />To insure that local residents are given a full opportunity to participate in the <br />program, a Cabarrus Housing Rehabilitation Co~u~ittee will be established to <br />function in an advisory capacity to the governing board regarding program design, <br />implementation aod assessment. This seven (7) me~tber con%mittee comprised of <br />elected or appointed representatives from each jurisdiction. Meanders will be <br />appointed by the governing board. Of particular interest is obtaining <br />representation of low-and moderate-income persons, memJoers of minority groups, <br />the elderly and handicapped. <br /> <br /> SCOPE OF CITIZEN PARTICIPATION <br />Citizens will be involved in all stages of the CDBG program, including program <br />implementation, assessment of performance and design of changes in the Plan. <br />There will be three {3} general mechanisms for their involvement: {1) the <br />Advisory Committee; {2) public hearings and ad hoc community meetings; and (3) <br />individual citizen efforts in the form of comments, complaints or inquiries <br />submitted directly to the Program Administrator Bob Stark of Stark ~sociates. <br /> <br /> PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION <br />Citizen participation in program implementation will occur primarily through <br />consultation with the Advisory Com4nittee. They will be asked to review and <br />co~m~eot on specific guidelines for approved projects. They will also meet to <br />review any progra~ amendments, budget revisions and other program modifications. <br />All such changes will be discussed and their comments considered prior to action <br /> <br /> <br />