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168 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />Each contract for housing rehabilitation under the program, as applicable, for <br />jobs having contracts in excess of $100,000 shall be rec~ired to submit a Section <br />3 Plan. This Plan will be maintained on file in the grant office and shall be <br />updated from time to time or as the grant staff may deem necessary. <br /> <br />Early in our project, prior to any contracting, major purchases or hiring, we <br />will develop a listing of jobs, supplies and contracts likely to be utilized <br />during ~he project. We will then advertise in our local newspaper an <br />advertisement, prominently located as a display advertisement, the pertinent <br />information regarding the project including all Section 3 reguired information. <br /> <br />Adopted this 20 day of August, 2001. <br /> <br />/s/ Arno L. Fennel <br /> <br />Chief Elected Official <br /> <br /> Cabarrus County <br />Equal Employment and Procurement Hlan <br /> <br />The County of Cabarrus maintains the policy of providing equal employment <br />opportunities for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national <br />origin, handicap, age, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor, <br />except where religion, sex, national origin, or age are bona fide occupation <br />qualifications for employment. <br /> <br />In furtherance of this policy, the County prohibits any retaliatory action of any <br />kind taken by any employee of the locality against any other employee or <br />applicant for employment because that person made a charge, testified, assisted <br />or participated in any manner in a hearing, proceeding or investigation of <br />employment discrimination. <br /> <br />The County shall strive for greater utilization of all persons by identifying <br />previously under utili=ed groups in the work force, such as minorities, women, <br />and the handicapped, and making special efforts toward their recruitment, <br />selection, development and upward mobility a~d any other term, condition, or <br />privilege Of employment. <br /> <br />Responsibility for implementing equal opportunities and Affirmative Action <br />measures is hereby assigned to the Chairma~ and/or other persons designated by <br />the Chief Elected Official to assist in the implementation of this policy <br />statement. <br /> <br />The County shall development (sic) a self-evaluation mechanism to provide for <br />periodic examination and evaluation. Heriodic reports as requested on the <br />progress of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action will be presented <br />to the Chief Elected Official. <br /> <br />The County is com~itted to this policy and is aware that with its' implementation, <br />the County will receive positive benefits through the greater utilization and <br />development of all its human resources. <br /> <br />Adopted this 20 day of August, 2001. <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br />/s/ Frankie F. Bonds <br /> <br />Clerk <br /> <br />/s/ Arno L. Fennel <br /> <br />[Chief Elected Official) <br /> <br /> CAB~{RUS COUNTY <br />FAIR HOUSING RESOLUTION <br /> <br />Resolution NO. 2001-22 <br /> <br />WHERE,, The County of Cabarrus seeks to protect the health, safety, and welfare <br />of its residents; and <br /> <br />WHEP~AS, citizens seek safe, sanitary and habitable dwellings in ali areas of the <br />County; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the County finds the denial of equal housing opportunities Decause of <br />religion, race, creed, color, sex, national origin, handicap or age legally wrong <br />and socially unjust; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the denial of equal housing opportunities in housing accommodations is <br />detrimental to public welfare and public order; and <br /> <br />WHEP~EAS, the County finds the practice of discrimination against any citizen in <br />housing a denial of his equal rights and equal opportunity to seek better living <br />conditions and to develop community pride; <br /> <br /> <br />