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169 <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of the County of <br />Cabarrus, North Carolina, that: <br /> <br />Section I. <br /> <br />Section II. <br />Section III. <br /> <br />The Board of Commissioners of the County of Cabarrus has declared <br />it an official policy of the County goverru~ent that there shall not <br />be discrimination in the tezl~$ and conditions for buying or renting <br />housing in the County of Cabarrus. <br />All business groups and individual citizens of the County of <br />Cabarrus are urged to respect and implement this policy. <br />The Planning Director or his designate, is the official authorized <br />to (1) receive and document complaints regarding housing <br />discrimination in Cabarrus County; and [2) refer such complaints <br />to the North Carolina H~man Relations Council for investigation, <br />conciliation and resolution. <br /> <br />ADOPTED, this 20th day of August, 2001. <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br />/S/ Frankie F. Honds <br /> <br />Clerk <br /> <br />By: /s/ Arne L. Fennel <br /> <br />Chairman, Board of Coramissioners <br /> <br /> CAB;~US COUNTY <br />PROCUREMENT POLICY <br />CDBG GRANT PROJECT <br /> <br />In the procurement of supplies, equipment, or services in the CABARRUS COUNTY <br />CDBG ED program the following shall apply: <br /> <br /> 1) Small Purchase Procedures. These are relatively simple and informal <br /> procurement methods that are sound and appropriate for a procurement for <br /> services, supplies, or other property, costing in the aggregate not more <br /> than $1,500. Under this procurement method price or rate quotations <br /> shall be obtained from an adequate n~n~ber of qualified sources. Office <br /> supplles and equipment may be secured by this method. <br /> 2) In Competitive Sealed Bids (fo~lnal advertisinq), sealed bids shall be <br /> publicly solicited and a firm, fixed price contra~t shall be awarded to <br /> the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming with all of the material <br /> terms and conditions of the invitation for bids, is lowest in price. <br /> sewer installations shall be awarded using this procedure. <br /> 3) In Competitive Neqotiations, proposals shall be requested from a nu~er <br /> of sources and the Request for Proposals shall be publicized. All <br /> aspects of the competitive negotiations shall be carried out in <br /> conformance with Federal Circular A-102. The general a~inistrative <br /> contract was awarded using this method. <br /> <br />On all procurements efforts shall be made to solicit bids from qualified small <br />and minority business firms. <br /> <br />In all cases, procurement under this Policy must conform to the requirements set <br />forth in Federal C£rcular A-lO2. <br /> <br />~ adequate record of procurements must be maintained to insure that these <br />policies and the requirements of Circular A-X02 have been followed in their <br />entirety. <br /> <br />ADOPTED THIS THE 20 DAY OF AUGUST, 2001 BY THE CABARRUS COUNTY BO~.RD OF <br />COMMISSIONERS. <br /> By: /s/ Arne L. 'Fennel <br />ATTEST: Chairman, Board of Co,u~issioners <br />/s/ Frankie F. Bonds <br />Clerk to Board <br /> <br />CO~UNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE OF CONDUCT <br /> <br />HATCH ACT <br />No employee or agent of the County may perform any function during work hours <br />that is considered political activity. This includes: soliciting votes, <br />transporting voters, distributing campaign materials, working or developing <br />campaign materials, etc. <br /> <br />DISCRIMINATION <br />No person shall, om the grounds of race, color, national origin, handicap, or sex <br />may be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject <br />to discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with <br />Community Development funds. <br /> <br />ENGAGEMENT IN PROCUREMENT <br />No employee, officer, or agent Of the County shall participate in the selection <br />or award of a contract supported by federal funds if a conflict of interest, real <br />or apparent would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when: <br /> <br /> <br />