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(2) Responsibilities and procedures for county agencies and departments <br />during this phase of response operations are normally identical to those followed in other <br />emergency situations, with special attention given to law enforcement requirements. <br />County personnel will refer to the Cabarrus County Emergency Operations Plan for <br />descriptions of their responsibilities. <br /> <br />e. Command and control. <br /> <br /> (1) It is imperative that the first responders establish immediate command <br />and control to implement measures to preserve life, maintain safety, and preserve <br />evidence. All responding departments and agencies must be prepared to interface with <br />state and federal counterparts at both the incident site and at the County Emergency <br />Operations Center (EOC). <br /> <br /> (2) A core group of law enforcement agencies will respond initially to the <br />incident. This group will consist of the Sheriff's Department, the local law enforcement <br />agency that has jurisdiction, the NC SBI, and the Charlotte office of the FBI. This group <br />will determine the techniques and procedures to be used during the tactical, criminal, and <br />investigative aspects of the response operations. During the crisis and consequence <br />management phases, all agencies and departments will employ the incident command <br />system as used during other emergency situations. <br /> <br /> (3) This core group represents multiple levels of government and this will <br />require a unified command structure for tactical and investigative operations. This group <br />will control operations from a common location. The County EOC will be the command <br />and control center for the incident. The incident commander and his staff will operate <br />from the EOC once it is open. Operational command will be maintained at the incident <br />site. <br /> <br /> (4) There may be situations where crisis and consequence management <br />must be conducted simultaneously. It is possible that command of the scene may be <br />transferred back and forth between the crisis and consequence management teams before <br />the incident is brought to a resolution. This may be needed to meet specific requirements <br />of the response operation. <br /> <br /> (5) Additional command and control guidelines for county government <br />departments are defined in Annex A, Direction and Control, of the Cabarrus County <br />Emergency Operations Plan. <br /> <br />f. Entry Protocols <br /> <br /> (1) A terrorist attack involving a weapon of mass destruction will require <br />new entry protocols to ensure the safety of those responding to the incident. In terrorist <br />attacks involving bombs, the possibility for the use of a chemical or biological weapons <br />exists. The incident commander or the operational commander on the scene will <br />determine the entry protocols based on the threat level at the time of the incident. The <br /> <br />BOP/ANNEX Q 6 <br /> <br />September 2001 <br /> <br /> <br />