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175 <br /> <br /> Vice Chairman Carruth again addressed the issue of school capacity in that <br />area of the county. There was discussion by the Hoard about the schools that <br />would be impacted by the new subdivision, the build-out of new subdivisions over <br />a number of years, development rights and market conditions (i.e., availability <br />of water and schools) that affect the sale of new homes in an area. <br /> <br /> Ms. Cindy Fer~enbaugh, Chair of the Cabarrus County Board of Education, <br />responded to questions about the capacity of schools in that area of the County. <br />She stated the school assignments for the new subdivision would depend On the <br />location of the district lines. Also, MS. Fertenbaugh reported that the school <br />population figures are approaching the 2002-2003 numbers as of today (August 20) <br />and that this increase in school population would accelerate the need for the <br />building program previously presented to the Hoard. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Buggs with <br />Chairman Fennel and Commissioners Suggs, Freeman and ~rivette voting for and Vice <br />Chairman Carruth voting against, the Board approved the preliminary plat for <br />Brower Estates Subdivision [Case C01-03{S)] with the following conditions: (1} <br />That the developer enters into a consent agreement with the County for the <br />construction and dedication of a section of a road that is on the Cabarsus-South <br />Rowan Transportation Plan and that will ultimately connect Tom Query Road <br />(Caldwell Road in Mecklenburg County) with the Rocky River Road interchange at <br />1-485. The estimated cost of the road construction is about $200,000.00. (2) That <br />the developer gets an agreement from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities <br />Department (CMUD) comparable to the one between Harrisburg and CMUD for the <br />Coventry Subdivision. This agreement states that Barrisburg will provide water <br />and collect tap fees on the Mecklenburg side of the subdivision until CMUD <br />installs a water line to the area, and at that time CMUD will take over the water <br />lines and customers in Mecklenburg County. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lester Drye (6700 Zion Church Road, Concord] expressed concern about <br />the Board's approval of new subdivisions that are denied by the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission. He stated the County is behind in building roads and schools <br />and there is no water. According to Mr. Drye, taxes will start going up if new <br />developments continue to be built. <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel briefly reviewed the adequate public facilities regulations <br />currently in place by Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS ARD CO~ITT~ES <br /> <br />Re~ion F Aqinq Adviso=~{ Committee (Alternate) <br /> <br /> UP~ ~OTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Vice Chairman Carruth and <br />unanimously carried, the Board deferred the appointment of an alternate member <br />to the Region F Aging Advisory Committee until the meeting in September. <br /> <br />Salisbury-Rowan Co~muni%~ Service Council <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Freeman and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed Carolyn Carpenter to the Salisbury-Rowan <br />Community Service Council for a term of three years ending August 31, 2004. <br /> <br /> MS. Carpenter will fill a position previously held by Ms. Betty Jean <br />Frewitt, Executive Director of the Cooperative Christian Ministry. <br /> <br />Library Hoard of Trustees <br /> <br /> U~ON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Vice Chairman Carruth and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed Barbara F. Vieh~ann to the Library Board <br />of Trustees to fill the vacant seat that represents the southern portion of <br />Cabarrus County. The appointment was for a term of three years ending July 31, <br />2004. <br /> <br /> Ms. Viehmann will fill the position previously heid by Tonia Black-Gold who <br />did not seek reappointment. <br /> <br />Adult Care Home Communit~A~visory Commi~bme <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Privette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board acknowledged the resignation of Joseph Behm from <br />the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee. Further, the Board removed <br />Martha Hagood from the advisory committee due to her lack of participation as a <br />oommittee member. <br /> <br /> U~ON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Freeman and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed Sadie Curry and Joii Goodman to the <br />Adult Care Home Community Advisory Com~ttee for initial terms of one year ending <br />August 31, 2002. <br /> <br /> <br />