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176 <br /> <br />Nu=sing Home Community ~/visory Committee <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Freeman, seconded by Commissioner privette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed B~a Mae E=ans and Ruth W. Winn to the <br />Nursing Home Co~nonity Advisory Committee for initial terms of one year ending <br />August 31, 2002. <br /> <br />Criminal Justice partnership ~visor~ Board <br /> <br /> UPON ~TION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Freemam and <br />umanimously carried, the Board appointed Andrew P. Clement to the "Criminal <br />Defense Attorney" position on the Criminal Justice Partnership Program Advisory <br />Board. Mr. Clement will complete an unexpired term ending April 30, 2002. <br /> <br />Cent=alina Workforce Development Hoard <br /> <br /> The Board received the request for the appointment of a "Private Sector" <br />representative to the Centralina Workforce Development Board (WDB). The WDB <br />Board swapped the Employment Security Comunission (EBC) position and "Private <br />Sector" seat with Stanly County. The ESC position was previously held by Tim Beam <br />who has transferred from Cabarrus County to Gaston County. Also, the Board <br />received a letter from Mr. Thomas W. Dayvault, Interim CEO of the Cabarrus <br />Regional Chamber of Commerce, recommending the appointment of Darrell Hinnant to <br />fill the "Private Sector".position. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Privette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed Darrell Binnant to the "Private Sector" <br />position on the Centralina Workforce Development Board to complete an unexpired <br />term ending June 30, 2002. <br /> <br /> At 8:00 p.m., Chairman Fennel opened the Informal Public Coraments portion <br />Of the meeting. There was no One present to address the Roard, and Chairman <br />Fennel closed that portion of the meeting. <br /> <br />P~PORTS <br /> <br />Report on ~u~imal Control O~tions Concernin~ the Trapping of Cats <br /> <br /> The Board received in the Agenda the written report on ~nimal Control <br />options concerning the trapping of cats as submitted by Sheriff Brad Riley. The <br />Board had requested this report at its meeting on May 21, 2001. Chairman Fennel <br />s~ated that the Board would discuss the issue at a later date. <br /> <br />CLOSED SESSION <br /> <br /> UPON ~OTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded Dy Co~issioner Suggs and <br />unanimously carried, the Board moved to go into Closed Session for the following <br />purposes as authorized by North Carolina General Statute 143- <br />318.11(a) (1) I4} (5) (6): To prevent the disclosure of information that is made <br />privileged or confidential by North Carolina General Statute 143-31B.10(e) <br />(Minutes/General Accounts of Closed Sessions); To discuss matters relating to the <br />locatiom or expansion of industries or other businesses in Cabarrus County; To <br />consider t~e acquisition of real property; and To discuss a personnel matter. <br /> <br /> U~N ~4OTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Vice Chairman Carruth and <br />unanimously carried, the Board moved ~o end the Clo~ed Session. <br /> <br /> No action was reported from the Closed Session. <br /> <br />AD JOUR~4ENT <br /> <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Fennel <br />adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />