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156 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br /> The Board of Commissioners for the County of Cabarrus met in regular <br />session in the Co~aissioners' Meeting ~oom at the Governmental Center in Concord, <br />North Carolina on Monday, August 20, 2001, at 6:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> Present - Chairman: Arne L. Fennel <br /> Vice Chairman: Robert W. Carruth <br /> Com~issioners: Robert M. Freeman <br /> Coy C. Privette <br /> Richard D. Suggs <br /> <br /> Also present were Prank W. Clifton, Jr., County Manager; Fletcher L. <br />Hartsell, Jr., County Attorney; and Prankie F. Bonds, Clerk to the Board. <br /> <br /> Chairman Pennel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> Gregory Wiseman and Eli Shoemaker of Cub Scout Pack 600 of the Pirst <br />Baptist Church in Concord conducted the Flag Ceremony. <br /> <br /> Reverend Loyd Ginn of Saint Martin Lutheran Church gave the invocation. <br /> <br />APPROVAL OR CORRECTION OF ~INUTES <br /> <br /> ~F~ON }4OTION of' Co~nissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Preeman and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the minutes of July 23, 2001 and August <br />6, 2001 as written. <br /> <br />APPROV~J~ OF THE AGENDA <br /> <br /> UPON ~DTION of Chairman Pennel, seconded by Vice Chairman Carruth and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the Agenda with the following changes tO <br />the Consent Agenda as requested by Mr. Clifton: (1) Item E-12 - Revised <br />Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Surplus Property at Public Auction <br />{Change date of auction from October 5 to October 19); (2) Add Item E-16 - <br />Setting a Public Nearing on Septen~ber 17 Concerning the Issuance of Industrial <br />Revenue Bonds for the YMCA Recreational Pacility. <br /> <br />Mt. Pleasant planninq and Zoning Board - Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Mem~ers <br /> <br /> Ms. Kelly Sifford, Senior Planner, presented the recommendation from the <br />Mt. Pleasant Board of Commissioners for the appointment of Mike Mills and Nell <br />Shouse as extraterritorial jurisdiction members to the Mt. Pleasant Planning and <br />Zoning Co~uuission. Further, the Town Board recommended the appointment of Joe <br />Ellington as an alternate member. <br /> <br /> UPON ~OTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Freeman and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed Mike Mills, Nell Shouse and Joe <br />Ellington {Alternate) as extraterritorial jurisdiction members of the Mt. <br />Pleasant Planning and Zoning Board for terms of three years ending June 30, 2004. <br /> <br />RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS <br /> <br />Resolution Eonorin~ ~he Cmn~.rml Cabarrus Hiqh School Lady Vikings on Winnin~ the <br />State 3A Soft-ball Championship <br /> <br /> Mr. Dennis Cook, Coach of the Central Cabarrus High School Softball Team, <br />listed the accomplishments of the Lady Vikings during the 2001 softball season. <br />The team had a 30-i reoord and won the State 3A Softball Championship on June 3, <br />2001 for the second year in a row. Mr. Cook introduced Diana Cook, a member of <br />the team who was present for the meeting. He explained the other 15 team members <br />were involved in a n~mber of activities taking place at the school that evening. <br /> <br /> On behalf of the Board, Commissioner Suggs presented the following <br />Resolution to Mr. Cook and Miss Cook. <br /> Resolution No. 2001-18 <br /> RESOLUTION <br /> HONORING THE <br /> CENTRAL CABARRUS HIGH SCHOOL <br /> I~DY VIKINGS <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Central Cabarrus High School Softball Team, the ~Lady <br />Vikings," won the North Carolina High School Athletic Association 3A Softball <br />Championship on June 3, 2001 for the second year in a row, defeating the softball <br />team of South Alamance High School 5-0 and 1-0; and <br /> <br /> <br />