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I57 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Lady vikings had an outstanding 2001 softball season which <br />culminated in the State title win and an impressive record of 30-1; and <br /> WHEREAS, this championship victory came as a result of the team's <br />commitment, determination and hard work both on and off the playing field; and <br /> WHEREAS, the success of this amazing team has again brought tremendous <br />pride and recognition not only to the team members but also to their school and <br />the entire co~ununity. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Cabarrus County Board of <br />Commissioners, do hereby proclaim August 20, 2001 as <br /> LADY VIKINGS DAY <br />in Cabarrus County and call upon ali citizens to join in saluting these <br />OUtstanding athletes and the Central Cabarrus High School coaching staff for a <br />job well done! <br /> Adopted this the 20c" day of August 2001. <br /> /s/ Arne L. Femnel <br /> Arne L. Fennel, Chairman <br /> Cabarrus County Board of Co~issioners <br /> <br /> Board members congratulated Mr. Cook and Miss Cook on the team's successful <br />2001 softball season. <br /> <br />Reco.c~nition of Betsy Heath on Her Retirement from the Department of social <br />Serwices - Jim CookI Social Services Director <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Cook, Social Services Director, recognized Ms. Betsy Heath on her <br />retirement from the Cabarrus County Department of Social Services. Ms. Heath <br />began employment with the Department as an Eligibility Specialist on September <br />1, 1976 and retired as Supervisor of the Department's Child Support Program <br />Intake Unit on July 31, 2001. <br /> <br /> On behalf of the Board, Chairman Fennel presented a plaque to Ms. Heath in <br />appreciation for her 25 years of dedicated service to Cabarrus County and its <br />citizens. <br /> <br /> Board members congratulated Ms. Heath on her retirement and expressed their <br />gratitude for her ssrwice to Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />Presentation of the Certificate a~d Award of Financial ~portin~ Achievement to <br /> <br />OLD BUBIN~SS <br /> <br />U~date on the County Ex~ Bite - ~ark ChappuisI Expo Center General ~hanager <br /> <br /> Mr. Mark Chappuis, Expo Center General Manager, reported that site work has <br />begun at the Expo Center property. Be stated he is currently working On several <br />marketing issues, including a brochure to send to meeting planners and event <br />producers, pricing for use of the facility and meetings with potential corporate <br />sponsors concerning naming rights for the facility. Finally, Mr. Chappuis <br />reported there would bm a booth at this year's Fair to promote the new Expo Park, <br />which will be the site of the 2002 Fair. <br /> <br /> Ms. Nicole Storey, County Planner, reported that the City of Concord gave <br />site plan approval for the project on August 10 and grading began at the site On <br />August 15. The architects are working on the re-design of the Exhibit Hall since <br />the Board approved the relocation of the building on July 23. There will be a <br />pre-construction meeting of County staff, Matthews Construction officials and <br />suDcontractors on August 21. Photographs will be placed on the County's website <br />to show the progress of work at the Expo Park. <br /> <br /> <br />