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CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br />158 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel asked that Item E-5 (Resolution Granting the County Manager <br />Authority to Negotiate and Execute Architectural and Engineering Contracts when <br />Estimated Professional Fees are Less than $30,000.00) be removed from the Consent <br />Agenda for discussion. <br /> <br />Rmsolution A~provinq the Abandonment of a Portion of Ellenwood Road from the <br /> <br /> NOETH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TPJ%NSPORTATION <br />REQUEST FOR ABANDONMENT FROM STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM <br /> <br />North Carolina <br />County of Cabarrus <br />Road Description: Ellenwood Road, SR 1461 (Portion to be abandoned - 0.21 mile) <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County <br />Commissioners of the County of Cabarrus requesting that the above described road, <br />the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be abandoned <br />from the Secondary Road System; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the <br />above described road should be abandoned from the Secondary Road System, if the <br />road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways <br />of the Uepartment of Transportation for the abandonment of roads from the System. <br /> NOW, THEP~EFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the <br />County of Cabarrus that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review <br />the above-described road, and to cease maintenance of same road if it meets <br />established standards and criteria. <br /> <br />Setting a P~blic ~earing at 6:30 p.m. (or as soon thereafter as persons may be <br />hea=d) on September 17I 2001 to Consider a Road Name Change [U~n~med Road to <br />Cress Farm Road) <br /> <br /> UPON ~OTION Of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Vice Chairman Carruth and <br />unanimously carried, the Board set a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. (or as soon <br />thereafter as persons may be heard) on September 17, 2001 to consider the naming <br />of an unnamed road as "Cress Farm Road." <br /> <br />Flood Insurance Programs - A~reement wi~h t.he Town of Mt. Pleasant <br /> <br /> UPON ~OTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Vice Chairman Carruth and <br /> <br />Mt. Pleasant for the County to provide building code administration and <br />enforcement and flood damage prevention administration and enforcement within the <br /> <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br />CABABRUS COUNTY <br /> <br />AGREEMENT <br /> <br />This AGREEMENT, made this 20=" day of August, 2001, between the County of <br />Cabarrus, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina and body <br />politic, hereinafter called the COUNTY, and the Town of Mt. Pleasant, a municipal <br />corporation located in said county and state, hereinafter called the TOWN; <br /> <br /> WITNESSETH <br />WHERE~ the COUNTY enforces the North Carolina Buildlng Code in accordance with <br /> the provisions adopted by the Building Code Council and the Com~nissioner <br /> of Insurance; and <br />WHEREAS the COUNTY has adopted and enforces a Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, <br /> and the TOWN has adopted such an ordinance but does not have the <br /> facilities for enforcing it; and <br />WHERE. AS the TOWN has requested the County to extend its building inspection <br /> program to include the TOWN, and to administer and enforce the TOWN's <br /> Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance within the TOWN, and the COUNTY has <br /> agreed to provide such services to the TOWN; and <br />WHEREAS the COUNTY and the TOWN, in order to set OUt the provisions and <br /> conditions under which said services will be provided to the TOWN by the <br /> COUNTY, have entered into an interlocal agreement as authorized by Chapter <br /> 160A, Article 20, Part I Of the General Statutes of North Carolina; <br />NOW THEREFORE, the COUNTY and TOWN agree that: <br /> <br /> <br />