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159 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />1. Purpose. The purpose of this agreement is to set forth in writing the <br /> terms and conditions upon which the COUNTY will furnish to the TOWN <br /> building code administration and enforcement and flood damage prevention <br /> administration and enforcement within the TOWN. <br />2. Term. This agreement shall cover the period of one year beginning with the <br /> date hereof, and it shall be automatically renewed from year to year <br /> unless one party shall give to the other written notice of its intention <br /> to terminate the agreement at the end of the then current term, such <br /> notice to be given at least ninety (90) days prior to the end of such <br /> <br />3. Services to be Provided. The COUNTY will provide building code <br /> administration and enforcement services to the TOWN in accordance with the <br /> applicable North Carolina laws and regulations. The COUNTY will also <br /> provide administration and enforcement of the Town's Flood Damage <br /> Prevention Ordinance. <br />4. Compensation. The COUNTY will receive and retain as its compensation for <br /> the seruioes provided the TOWN under this agreement all fees provided by <br /> <br />5. ~ench~ents. ;~y amenc~nent to the agreement shall be in writing and executed <br /> by the COUNTY and the TOWN. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to De <br />executed, and their corporate seals to be affixed by their duly authorized <br />corporate officers, in duplicate originals, one of which is retained by each <br />part, the day and year first above written. <br /> <br /> (SEAL) County of Cabarrus <br />By: By: <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br />Chairman, Board of Commissioners <br /> <br /> {SEAL) Town of Mt. Pleasant <br />By: By: <br /> Town Clerk Mayor/Manager <br /> <br />This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local <br />Goverrunent Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Provision for the payment Of money to <br />fall due under this agreement within the current fiscal year has been made by an <br />appropriation duly authorized. <br /> <br />Director of Finance Date <br />County of Cabarrus <br /> <br />Director of Budget Date <br />Town of Mt. Fieasant <br /> <br />Flood Insurance Programs -Aqreement with the Town of ~idland <br /> <br /> UPON ~OTION of Chairman Fennel, seconded by Vice Chairman Carruth and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the following Agreement with the Town of <br />Midland for the County to provide building code administration and enforcement <br />and flood damage prevention administration and enforcement within the Town. <br /> <br />NORTH CABOLfNA <br /> <br />CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> <br />AGREEMENT <br /> <br />This AGREEMENT, made this 20~h day of August, 2001, between the County of <br />Cabarrus, a political subdivision Of the State of North Carolina and body <br />politic, hereinafter called the COUNTY, and the Town of Midland, a municipal <br />corporation located in said county and state, hereinafter called the TOWN; <br /> <br /> WITNESSETH <br />WHE~tEAS the COUNTY enforces the North Carolina Building Code in accordanc~ with <br /> the provisions adopted by the Building Code Council and the Commissioner <br /> of Insurance; and <br />WHEREAS the COUNTY has adopted and enforces a Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, <br /> and the TOWN has adopted such an ordinance but does not have the <br /> facilities for enforcing it; and <br />WHERE~%S the TOWN has requested the County to extend its building inspection <br /> program to include the TOWN, and to administer and enforce the TOWN'S <br /> Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance within the TOWN, and the COUNTY has <br /> agreed to provide such services to the TOWN; and <br />WHEREAS the COUNTY and the TOWN, in order to set out the provisions and <br /> conditions under which said services will be provided to the TOWN by the <br /> COUNTY, have entered into an interlocal agreement as authorized by Chapter <br /> 160A, Article 20, Part I of the General Statutes of North Carolina; <br />NOW THEREFORE, the COUNTY and TOWN agree that: <br /> Purpose. The purpose of this agreement is to set forth in writing the <br /> terms and conditions upon which the COUNTY will furnish to the TOWN <br /> building code administration and enforcement and flood damage prevention <br /> administration and enforcement within the TOWN. <br /> <br /> <br />