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September 20, 2001 <br /> <br />T.W.L.S., Inc. <br />755 Williamsburg Dr. NE <br />Concord, NC 28025 <br />PHONE (704) 788-3838 <br /> <br />Subject: Service AvaiJability. Letter Request <br /> St. Andrews Subdivision, Phase 7 <br /> <br />Dear Sir or Madam: <br /> <br />City of Concord potable water is currently available to the 15.3-acre subject property by <br />connection to and extension of an 8-inch water dislribution main stub-out ber~veen lots <br />450 and 449,along AdamshJre Avenue. City of Concord san/tory sewer is also available <br />to the to the propert7. Please note, the City continues to be under mandatory water <br />restrictions, as such, no utili.ty line extensions reqt0red by plat shall be cormected tmt/l <br />after December 31,200I, and then only upon cert/fication by the City of Concord that <br />adequate water supply is available at that time. <br /> <br />In accordance with City &Concord Regional Water Resources Water and Sewer policy, it <br />is the sole responsibility of the owner or developer to extend wazer and sewer <br />infrastructure from existing service points and to secure any rig4~t(s)-of-way as may be <br />necessary to meet project needs. Any required upgrades to the existing infraatruvture to <br />provide adequate will also be the respop~sibility of the owner or developer. In <br />addition, i! is the responsibility of the o~'ner or developer to confirm any information <br />of physical locations and that water flows, water pressure, line sizes, and capacities <br />of the existing (or any proposed) infrastructure are adequate to meet the required <br />usage in accordance with federal, state and local codes and regulationz. <br /> <br />The City of Concord will not verify the adequacy of its utility line(s) as relating to the <br />demands of a development/project or wastewater flow acceptance and treatment Our <br />policy places the responsibility for such upon the owner or developer as part of the utility <br />pemfitting process. <br /> <br />Please note that the o~o¢iated acc~--ptancc agreements for ~e discharge of new sanitary. <br />wastewater are two-fold- one being acceptance by the City of Concord and the other being <br />acceptance and treatment by WSACC. WSACC is a separate entity over which we have <br />no direct administrative or opera'donal control and approval from this agency is not <br />guaranteed by the City of Concord. <br /> <br />Otyc~C,:e.~ D 8_q0w~.c. cdm~Blv~ i i P.O. Bc~38 0 C, mm~Noeh Catalina28026 <br /> ~704) 9'~-~g~:5 O Fax (704~ 7864521 0 ~ 1-8~0-T26-8~2 fl wv~.~o-,cO/trc~ <br /> <br /> <br />