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If the Funds derived from thc facilities Fcc exceed what is necdcd for thc a_bovc <br />stated purposes, the county or municipality may, with the approvoI of' the Administrative <br />Officer of the Cour s ~ to th amount, .usc Qn¥ or ;~ll of the excess; <br /> <br />- to retire outstanding indebtedness incurred in the construction of the Facilities; <br /> or <br /> <br />to supplement thc operations of the General Court of Justice in the county. <br /> <br />Note: <br /> <br />As thc facilities fees are collected by the State, thereby constituting State <br />funds, the General Assembly has authority to authorize use of some of those <br />funds "to supplement the operations of the General Court of Justice." <br />However, as a matter of practice, it is the vlcw of the Administrative <br />Officer of thc: Courts that facilities Fee revenue should ordinarily be used <br />For its basic purposes; that is, to assist local governments in providing <br />building Facilities and furniture for the courts and related personncl. If the <br />funds are not needed for these purposes during the current year, they eau <br />be retained in reserve to finance a major expenditure ['or building space <br />needs in a future year. <br /> <br />Questions .4nd Answers Concerning Specific Expenditures <br /> <br /> From time to time, various questions have arisen concerning specific expenditures <br />from the facilities fee revenue fund of a county or municipality. For future guidance, <br />these questions with our response are set Forth below: <br /> <br />May rental payments for privately-owned space leased for the use of thc courts or <br />court-related personnel be made from the facilities fee Fund? <br /> <br />Responsc: <br /> <br />Yes. This would be, in our opinion, an authorized use of facility £ce <br />revenue. A county or municipality may provide si)ace for the courts <br />and court-related personnel in a local government-owned building or <br />in a privately-owned leased building. <br /> <br />May a county charge rental payments against the facilities fee Fund for space <br />occupied by court personnel in thc courthouse or other county-owned building? <br /> <br />Response: <br /> <br />No. In our opinion, a local government is not authorized to pay <br />itself rent from the facilities Fee Fund for space occupied by court <br />Functions in a building owned by the local government. <br /> <br />Is it appropriate, in reporting expenditures from the facilities fee fund, to report <br />a negative balance? <br /> <br />Response: No. Thc county or mun~c~pahty has thc basic legal responsibility to <br /> fund building facilities and furniture for the courts from local <br /> funds, and facility fee revenue assists in this responsibility. If <br /> Facilities fee revenue is not sufficient to cover all such necessary <br /> expenditures in a given year, any additional amounts required arc <br /> furnished from local revenues. There is no legal basis to carry <br /> forward a "negative balance" in the Facilities fee fund as the statute <br /> docs not authorize use of this revenue to cover "deficits" incurred in <br /> a prior year. <br /> <br />May the costs of floor mats and waste paper baskets for judicial offices be paid <br />out of the facilities fee fund? <br /> <br />Response: <br /> <br />Yes. In our opinion, these are items of furniture and G.S. 7A- <br />304(a)(2) authorizes expenditures from the facilities fee fund for <br />furniture. <br /> <br /> <br />