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May expcnscs for postagc and copics to mcct county rcsponsibilitics for...iury duty <br />notification be paid from thc facilities fcc fund? <br /> <br />Response: No. Thcse arc operating expenses of the County and are not <br /> authorized to bc paid under G.S. 7A-304(a)(2) from thc facilities fcc <br /> fund. <br /> <br />May compcnsation for jury commissioners be paid from the facilitics fcc fund? <br /> <br />Rcsponse: No. These arc operating cxpcnscs of the County and are not <br /> authorized to be paid under G.S. ?A-304(a)(2) from the facilities fee <br /> fund. <br /> <br />May janitorial services for courtrooms and court-related offices be paid from thc <br />facilities fee Fund? <br /> <br />Response: Yes. In our opinion, these are maintcnance expenditures for judicial <br /> building facilities and payment from facilities fcc revenue is <br /> authorized by G.S. 7A-304(a)(2); <br /> <br />Are expenses of lighting, heating and cooling courtrooms and offices of court <br />personnel payable from the Facilities fcc fund? <br /> <br />Response: Yes. In our opinion, these are maintcnancc cxpendlturcs for judicial <br /> facilities and payment from the facilitics fcc rcvcnuc is authorized <br /> by statute. <br /> <br />Are telephone expenses payable from the facility fcc fund? <br /> <br />Response: Provision of telephone wiring and receptacles is a building expense <br /> and payable from the facilities fee fund. However, tclephone system <br /> equipment to serve Judicial Department Pcrsonnel and monthly <br /> telephone charges arc operating expenses of the Judicial Department. <br /> Such expenses may not be paid from the facilities fcc fund without <br /> prior approval of the Administrative Offlccr of the Courts pursuant <br /> to G.S. ?A-304(a)(2). <br /> <br />Are costs of office supplies and equipment (file cabinets, typewriters, copy <br />machines) for Judicial Department personnel payable from the facilities fcc fund? <br /> <br />Rcsponsc: These arc operating cxpcnscs of thc Judicial Department and may <br /> not be paid from thc facilities fcc fund without prior approval of <br /> thc Administrative Officer of the Courts pursuant to G.S. 7A- <br /> 304(a)(2). ~ <br /> <br />May compensation for courtroom bailiffs be paid from thc facilities fee fund? <br /> <br />Response: No. These arc count7)' operating expenses and G.S. 7A-304(a)(2) docs <br /> not authorize their payment from the facilities fcc fund. <br /> <br />May thc cxpcnsc of providing meals and towels to jail inmates bc paid from Ihc <br />Facilities Fcc fund? <br /> <br />Responsc: No. Thcsc arc operating cxpcnscs, not jail maintenance expenses. <br /> Facilities fcc revenue may bc used for providing and maintaining <br /> jails but not for opcrating jails. <br /> <br /> <br />