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CITY OF CONCORD, NORTH CAROIJINA <br />2001 (FY 2002) FEDERAl, AGENDA <br /> AND ACTION PLAN PRIORITIES <br /> <br />Project Project Federal Funding Possible Funding Sources Concord <br />Number Description Request Contact <br />Top Priority Projects <br /> <br /> Airport Runway $6.5 million for design Airport Improvement Program Richard Lewis, <br />1 Extension and construction of a (AIP) Assistant <br /> 1500-foot runway Aviation <br /> extension Director <br /> Regional Water $500,000 - $2 million EPA and upcoming Water-21 Henry <br />2 Supply Project for an engineering study authorization bill Waldroup, <br /> for Albemarle and Water <br /> Concord to partner to Resources <br /> supply water regionally <br /> 1-85 Widening Begin positioning the TEA-21 and future David Nayior, <br />3 region for an earmark appropriations bill Streets <br /> for additional widening Director and <br /> monies not subject to Mike Nunn, <br /> NC Equity Formula MPO Director <br /> Center City Funding to improve HUD/Economic Development David Naylor, <br />4a Improvements streetscape (including Initiative program (EDI); Director of <br /> pedestrian walkways) Transportation and Community Streets/Steve <br /> Streetscape and and browrdield sites as and System Preservation Osborne, <br /> Environmental part of the Cabarrus Program (TCSP) Community <br /> Improvements on Avenue Revitalization Development <br /> Cabarrus Avenue Project (amount TBD) and Codes <br /> Manager <br /> Center City Provide funding to HUD/Economic Development Steve Osborne, <br />4b Improvements remove abandoned Initiative program (EDI) Community <br /> underground storage Development <br /> Restoration of tanks and other and Codes <br /> abandoned environmental hazards in Manager <br /> environmental disadvantaged <br /> hazard sites in neighborhoods <br /> disadvantaged (amount TBD) <br /> areas <br /> <br /> <br />